Chapter 37: Kiss And Make Up

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"I told you. She's coming back to get me!" He pointed a finger at me, saying as 'take that, ha!' and I rolled my eyes at him.

I stood up and walk to the door when the doorbell rang, but seeing that my brother is more excited to get the door, he ran and started opening it.

He frowned when he saw that it wasn't the one who he is expecting. I giggled as I saw his reaction, then I turned who really is at the door.

My brows shot up when I saw my cousin at the door, back turned to us and waving at someone in a silhouette car, driving away from the house.

When the car turned at the curb, she turned around and froze when she saw us standing there, watching the scene happen not just a minute ago.

We stood there in silence, waiting for someone to speak and finally my brother broke the ice.

"So, who was that?" He asked and she looked anywhere, but the both of us.

"Um. Uh, it was, just a f-friend that g-gave me a r-ride," she stuttered.

Me and Liam looked at each other with raised brows and faced our flushed cousin.

We both put our hands on our hips and leaned a little closer to be on her height level.

Her cheeks turned redder like a tomato as she avoids our eyes, she gulped. She was squirming under our stares and she slumped her shoulders in defeat.

We smirked and she glared at us, "okay, okay," she sighed, "could we get inside now? I need to cook for dinner."

We nodded and we stepped inside to our living room and sat down, waiting for her to explain.

"Um. What you saw was, uh..." she stutters.

"What is it, young lady?" He questioned her and she opened her mouth to speak.

She sighed, "It'smyboyfriend." She said fast and we couldn't understand.


"It's my boyfriend," she said more slowly. And my eyes widened after what she said.

"What?!" We stood up from our sitting position.

"Who is this boy?"

"I'm going to kill him."

Both Liam and I said in the same time, well, you guess right. I was the one asking and he was the angry one.

When she heard what Liam said, her eyes widened like saucers and waved her hands in panic.

"Wait! Don't! Oh my God. Ugh. I knew this would happen." She groaned and I smiled at her frustration.

"Okay, let's just be calm first and not go into killing mode first, okay Liam?" I told him and he nodded.

"I'm calm, I'm calm. So, can you please enlighten us the knowledge about your 'boyfriend', hmm?" Liam said, quoting the 'boyfriend' word and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Fine. We started dating a month ago. And he's nice, have blonde hair, he's captain of the football team-" Liam rolled his eyes at that and I slapped the backside of his head- "he has nice parents, he's- ugh. Just everything you need for a boyfriend and he's a golden boy." She finishes, her face held a dreamy look and sighed.

"Oh please, he sounds like a douche," Liam scoffed and I rolled my eyes at him, Elijah ignored him and just stayed in the day dream state.

"Liam, how did he sound like a douche when we all heard is good things about this boy." I said, putting my hands on my hips, narrowing my eyes.

"That's the point! We all heard was good and not the bad ones. Bad personality makes it a whole person. And it's impossible to know a person that all they do is good things," he argued, and I have a dangerous look on my face.

"Liam, you don't know what you are talking about. You don't know what the boy is like, okay. So stop being an ass and shut up," I told him calmly and he obeyed, scared that I will do something that he will regret when he disobey me.

"Since everything is fine now, let's talk about why you hid this to me and when I am going to meet this boy," I said, turning to my cousin, who is smiling like an idiot.

She came out of her dream state and turned to me with widened eyes, "what?"

"You hid this from me, so you need to ask him to have dinner here at home, okay with that?" I dared her to refuse, but when she saw my face, she knows that she couldn't back out from this.

She sighed,"ugh. Fine." Leaning back of the sofa.

I smirked and stood up, stretching my back. Then, suddenly the doorbell rang again and Liam was too disappointed to go to the door and see who it is.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked to the door, when I opened it, cold short arms wrapped around my shoulders and brought me in a hug.

"Oh my God! I missed you, bitch!" My best friend exclaimed, still hugging me tight.

I pat her back, silently telling her I can't breathe. She mouths an 'o' shape, realizing what she did, she lets me go and laughs like a pig.

I turned around and see my brother as his ears perked up and turned around to look at us. His eyes lightened when he saw Sophia and jumped from the couch and ran to the door.

He hugged her so tight, lifting her from the ground and smiling like a child on a Christmas day.

She hugged him back, but then realizes something and glared the side of his head, probably remembering what he did yesterday.

She pulled away and pushed him hard, but nothing happened, realizing that it did nothing to him, she crossed her arms and turned away from him.

Liam pouted and tried to touch her, she slapped his hand away and glared at him. I was holding back a laugh to the scene in front of me.

And there was silence, and I couldn't take it anymore, so I rolled my eyes, "just kiss and make up!"

They turned to me and looked like I popped out another head. I shook my head at them and pushed them out the door.


"What the hell, Auden!"

I ignored them and fully pushed them out my house. If they won't fixed their problem then they shouldn't be coming here the first place, my house is problem free.

They looked at me, unbelievable that I literally kicked them out my house.

"Kiss and make up. Or you'll be out my house forever." I said, before fully closing the door, leaving them with jaws dropped.

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