Chapter 36: Here He Goes Again

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"Auden.." a soft voice called, I fluttered my eyes open and familiar soft brown ones greeted me.


"Hi, time to get up and dinner's going to be ready." She said, running her fingers through my hair.

I nodded and sat down, rubbing my eyes as I yawn. She has a small smile on her lips as she looked at me, leaning on the door frame.

"You fix your self up and you can go down the kitchen," she says as she almost closing the door, "and also, someone's here to see you," she says and closes the door.

Someone's here to see me?

Who might that be?

I stood up and grab a brown sweater, I combed my hair and tied it up in a messy bun.

Satisfied with my look, I exited my room and go down the stairs. As I descend down, the voice of my cousin and a deeper voice was heard from the kitchen.

I stepped down the last step and entered the kitchen and it surprised me who the person was.

"Liam! What are you doing here?" I asked, walking to him with my arms open for a hug.

"Hey, Sis! I just came by to check on you girls," he said, hugging me.

I rolled my eyes at him in disbelief as we pulled apart, "what are you really doing here?" I asked, not beating behind the bush.

He sheepishly smiled, scratching the back of his neck, "um, uh. I... Okay," he sighed, defeated.

"Spill, mister."

"Okay, geez. Soph's going to kill me for this," he mumbled, sitting down and Elijah was placing plates on the table and I took the utensils out.

"Me and Sophia was about to surprise you guys-" he started, I cut him off.

"Wait, since when did you guys arrived?" I asked. He glared at me for cutting him off, I smiled sheepishly and let him continue to talk.

"Since someone cut me off, I'll talk again and no one will interrupt," he looked at me as he says it and I just shrugged, didn't really care.

"Okay, we came here to surprise you since you just always called for the last 5 months and so we planned to come here, and now it let me lead to my situation now," he said, "we we're going to buy you guys some stuff- I don't know- and Soph went to Victoria's Secret, so I was left out the store and then this girl walked up to me and asked something and another girl came by- which is her friend and asked to take some pictures with me, and of course being the nice guy I am, I let them."

I looked at him weird as we took a bite on our dinner as he continues to talk.

"Then, Sophia came and she got jealous or something and I tried to explain what was happening, but she stomped off to the parking lot and we went to our hotel. When we got by our hotel, she grab all of my things and throw them out. I was supposed to check in another room, but my wallet was inside the room and she wouldn't let me in. So I drive here and I was hoping that I could stay the night." He finished, me and Elijah have our jaws dropped at what he said.

"Well, it's your fault why she got jealous. You know her, Liam." I told him, and he nods his head in shame.

"Yes, I know, I know."

I sighed, "you can stay, bro. But you need to sleep on the couch, since I haven't cleaned the other room yet," I said and he nods.

"It's fine. I just need a place to stay and wait for Sophia til she comes here tomorrow."

I nodded and continue eating my food. We ate, chatting with each other til we finished eating. It was 9 pm and I'm already sleepy.

I yawned, "you should get some sleep now, Aud. It's late." Liam told me and Elijah nodded, agreeing with what he said.

I nodded, "yeah, I should. You're fine with yourselves right?" They answered with a 'yeah' so, I walked upstairs and entered my room.

I took off my shoes and go under the covers, my eyes blinked open when my phone started beeping and flashing, indicating a text.

I took my phone and unlocked it, reading the message.

Auden, is your brother there? If he is then tell him, he's a dick, but I still love him.


I rolled my eyes at the screen, but typed a reply back to her. As I send it, another text was sent to me, curious, I opened it.

Auden, I missed you already. It's been five months and I want to see you again, touch you and feel you. I still love you.


It read and I shivered, it's the same unknown number, what does he mean he loves me? Who is this? I kept on replying since the first time he sent me a message and I got tired of waiting an answer, so I just dropped my phone and get comfy.

I shook my head as I thought of the person texted me when I was still back home and stopped when I left and here he goes again.

I sighed and rubbed my stomach, looking at the ceiling and suddenly entered the dream world.

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