My Beloved is a wolf?

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~Blaire's POV~

I arose from the dead animal on the ground and wiped the corners of my blood stained lips. I smiled at the vanishing pain that slowly left my throat from me feeding. I winced when i looked down at the deer and felt a pang of guilt. 

But hey, better it than a human.

I turned towards the house and sprang off. 

Me, being the fastes of our cult, made it there in about 30 seconds. The others however took about 2 minuets. 

I went inside and plopped down next to my boyfriend Brad. 

"Hey babe. How was your hunt?"

"I got two deer. The others got a couple squirls and some rabbits."

He smiled at me and gave me a quick peck on the lips. 

I slid into his comforting arms and snuggled under his chin. He stroked my hair and we sat like this for who knows how long. 

"So did you know the new Alpha of the mutts pack is going to finish his last year at our high school?"

"Excuse me?"

He just smirked and I scrunched up my nose in disgust.

Wolves are nothing more than savage beasts! All they do is hunt and kill our kind and we dont do anything to them! 

Ok well sometimes the bad vamps do, but they're mainly evil!

They were the things that killed my parents. 

All they did was chase a bad vamp and they accidently crossed the border to try and stop her. They pounced on her and drained her snapping her neck and igniting her with flames that will send her to hell. 

The wolves showed up however and claimed them murderers and tore them to shreds without even an explaination. 

I can never forgive or get along with a wolf, and I never will. 

"Hey guys get ready! We have school in 10 minuets!" Carrie yelled from across the room. 

She was a 5'8 beauty. She had long naturally straight brown hair that she waved. She had naturally red and gold eyes, but wore blue colored contacts to prevent any attention being drawn. She had pale skin that was flawless and deep red lips. She wore but a simple red hoodie and ripped up skater jeans with black converse and still looked like a model.

Now I know what you're thinking. Why on earth are they going to highschool? Well my dearies We all died around 18 so we look 18. The neighbors talked about how we were young and to prevent any uproar in the city we're attending highschool this year.

A Human highschool.

Not to mention a pack of mutts who will be there.

 I looked to my Brad. 

Gosh I wish he was my Beloved. 

Now a Beloved is like a werewolvves mate. They're our other half. They complete us. Once you meet yours you mark them (Bite them) and they wear your mark showing your taken. Then the femal goes into a bleed. Which is also the same thing as a wolves heat. They crave their other half as does the male. The scent of a female in bleed/heat is intoxicating to unbeloved males so you finish the process. 

Brad's Beloved died in a car accident when she was still human. Brad was in the car and tried to save her but sadley she died before he could change her. 

They found me after my parents died and offered me a spot in there coven. 

Ever since we've been like a family. 

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