Ch 24

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~Blaire's POV~

I sucked in a breath and sat up to see Courtney's tears falling on me and she collapsed.

"Oh Blaire! Thank god! Blake's Alive! He's Alive you have to come quick!"

I stood up and looked at her ready to go and I opened my mouth when a scent hit me.

A familiar scent of cherries and dark chocolate.


I sniffed again but Courtney was already pulling my hand.

She drug me until I processed I was alive, and Blake was alive?

I caught on to that and I picked Courtney up and sprinted making it there faster and sprinting to the hospital wing.

I walked in and saw it was empty.

"No." Courtney spoke.

I felt tears coming I turned to yell at her when a doctor walked by.

"YOU!" she yelled. The doctor looked this way, "WHERES BLAKE!"

"On Luna's orders we sent him off to go get buried."

"NO!" Courtney yelled.

"WHO TOOK HIM?" she yelled.

"Uh a man and a women. Vampires that joined the pack. Took him saying that's what the Luna wished."

I grabbed her and began running until we came across the truck I saw a body bag being loaded into.

I jumped trough the window shattering every piece of glass and I fell about three stories with a shrieking courntey behind me watching me fall.

I landed gracefully and ran to the car as the acceleration started.

I lifted it with my left hand and smashed it in with my right.

I threw it and it landed sideways and I ran to the back pulling out the body bag and unzipping in to see my precious Beloved sleeping, still dead.

I let a tear splash and I placed my hand on his chest to hear if what Courtney said was true.

I felt a tiny, weak heartbeat and I cried out with joy.

Why would the doctor say he's dead?

And who the hell said I gave orders?

I smashed him to my chest and I sensed movement in the car and the familiar scent hit me again.

"Carrie?" I spoke for the first time.

I was even more at loss when I saw a male get out of the drivers seat.


They snapped their heads at me and I tapped into the pack link which I figured out how to do after Blake marked me.

'I need about 5 warriors out back stat. Your Alpha is alive.'

I heard howls of happiness and I smirked at the two behind all of this.

"How dare you!" I roared.

"Blaire h-hear me out-"she began.

"NO! You were my best friend! How dare you! Explain yourself now and I won't kill you that painfully!" I roared.

"It all started after you were taken. Brad lost it and after he came back dead I knew your Beloved wasn't any good for you. So my boss and I came up with a master plan to get you out of this dog house and back with the vampires were you belong! So we called up Chris and told him your location so after the mutt saved you, we controlled James to stop running with Blake and we took control. We added a serum into his blood that should've killed him so I don't understand how it didn't work."

I sat there for a moment taking it all I then I spoke.


Carrie hit the ground screaming in agony but it fueled my bloodlust. I then snapped my eyes to the master of all of this.


I set a fire ball to my hand and shot it at Carries screeching figure causing her more pain.

After I was sure she was dead I knew I had an audience.

My warriors.

They stood proud of their Luna and I of them.

I began the fire ball and was about to launch it when I heard a ferosious, but feminine growl.

"Mine!" she growled.

I turned to Courtney who stopped in mid run after making eye contact.

I let the fire die down and I mentally groaned.

She ran to his arms and he flushed against her. "Don't let her kill me." he spoke.

She turned to me her eyes burning with true love and passion and a tear escaped her right eye.

"Please Blaire."

I sighed and nodded, "but he will be imprisoned until we can trust him."

She nodded understanding and then I snapped my attention back to my Beloved.

I went to him and shouted, "Get the pack doctor and get him a room immediately. I want that vampire locked up for questioning with me and I want this van disposed of." I spoke with authority clear in my tone.

"Yes Luna." several men spoke.

I nodded my head once and smiled a small smile before I saw Courtney walking with Louis as he was cuffed and taken into the prison.

"Luna the Betas on his way and ready to question him."

"I'm questioning him. Get the Beta to have wolves run the perimeter and see if any more Vampires or rouges are in the area. I also want all the women and children in the pack house until further notice."

The soldier smiled at me and then nodded his head before he was off.

I went with another wolf into a room with a one way glass and I put two warriors along with Courtney in there.

She growled when she thought I would be the only female in the room and I brought a wolf so she'd calm.

"Louis...How could you. Try to kill my mate? Not only that but run this pack dry? What was your motive? Why did you and Carrie do this? And how did you know about Chris?" I demanded.

He had a smug smirk on his face and looked me in the eye before speaking, "Luna you should think more about the questions your asking."

I hissed and slammed my hand on the table, "ANSWER ME!"

He looked unfazed by my anger and smirked again.


I grabbed him by his throat and threw him to the silver wall.

"Louis...Ill give you one more chance before your a pile of ashes. Why?"

He gasped for a breath through the pain and then looked me in the eye.

"For...Her." he choked out.



I looked at her and saw her through the one way and she looked confused.

"For Carrie."

I hissed when I heard her name.


"I loved her. She was my beloved."

His words hit me like a tidal wave and I faced Courtney and before she broke down in tears I grabbed his neck and held him high.

"Deceiving. That's your power as a vampire. You deceive people into believing their your mates."

He nodded and snapped his fingers causing whatever love Courtney was feeling to vanish.

"I did it for her."

"Why did she want to!"

"She never told me anything but the plan. I went along with it because I loved her and would do anything for her."

I hissed and threw him down angrier than ever.

"So she's behind all of this? She watched us all suffer for this?!" I yelled looking back at him.

"Your done."

He opened his mouth and said something, "B-"

He didn't finish before the flames ignite him and I clenched my fist and slammed the door open.

I went back to Courtney and she looked depressed.

"You'll find him."

She smiled at me and I put an arm around her as we walked through the cells that reeked of moss and sweat.

They mainly consisted of rogues and most were covered in blood and Badly beaten.

I guessed they tortured them.

"Hey hot stuff wanna give me some of that cold dead ass?" this rogue spoke making some others chuckle.

"Hey hot stuff. Wanna get your balls ripped off by my cold dead hands?"

I heard 'oohs' but the warriors kept me walking and I moved along until I reached the sunlight.

'Luna?' the Beta mind linked me.


'He's awake'

-Authors Note-

Hey you guys!

I tried to type more but I'm bed rest and I feel like shit!

Thanks for being so understanding!

Love you guys!

Comment and vote and be sure to check out my other stories!

Until then my lovlies!

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