Ch 10

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~Blaire's POV~

I opened my eyes to sunlight peering through the trees as the car came to a slow stop. 

"We have to walk from here. It'll be about an hour or two." Louis says.

"Good, I need to hunt anyway." I say opening the door and stretching. 

I bent over to pop my back when I heard a growl and turned to see Louis looking at my ass, and Blake growling at him for it. 

"Hey, play nice!" I say.

I stretch out my legs and Blake goes behind a tree coming back as his strapping wolf with his shorts in his mouth.

"Let's get a move on."

I began to run into the depths of the forest and smile at the sound of the creek running in the distance, the sound of the deers feet stepping on the leaves making a crunching sound. The sound of the birds singing to eachother and last but not least the sound of my Beloved's running behind me. 

I began to take off faster and faster until my pace was too much.

Hey flash, wanna slow down so we can not loose sight of you?

Pshhh catch up slow poke. I say laughing at Blake.

After about ten minuets I lost track of time from running with such grace.

I didn't recall the rest of the run because I was thinking deeply about everything about htis whole mate situation. I mean it can't be true can it?

I came across a small old wooden shack that reeked of old perfume and a little bit of dead human. 

"Hello?" I say knocking on the door. 

"Who's there?" says a faint old voice. 

"I'm here to speak to Helena." I say. 

You see Helena is a very powerful witch that is very old and very wise. She's like the fates. She can see the future, make potions, pretty much the normal witch, but if you have a problem she's the one to come to. 

"Enter Blaire."

I looked back at Louis who shrugged and Blake came out from behind a bush with his shorts on. 

I opened the door and came across an old woman who was sitting happily knitting something. A broom was sweeping the corner on it's on, a spoon was stiring a potion and she was humming a Katy Perry song.

"How did you know her name?" Blake said.

"Oh, Young Blake, or should I say Alpha, I know everything and everyone. And I definatly know Blaire the Powerful."

"The what?" I say looking at her confused.

"Oh, come sit and I'll explain everything I can tell you."

We go and sit on a couch across from the lady's dusty floral print chair. 

"Tea anyone?" She says fixing herself a cup.

"We really just came for information. Why do I have two Beloved's and why did you call the Blaire the Powerful?"

"Well here's what I can tell you. Blaire youre meant for greatness, There will be a dark time thats coming soon and the prophecy fortold that the one who weilds the power of the elements will not only save her pack, but her entire species. Blaire the two Powers you have are not common if you know what I mean. You were meant to save the wolf and vampire species. Now about your mate's all I know is it's impossible to have two. You only have one and I dont even know who it is. I know how to find out though. I will get a test and we will see. Now for right now, boys there is a room down that hallway to the left and just sit in there for a moment while I talk to Blaire. Ill send her in when I'm finished."

They nodded and then did as she said.

"Now enough with the prophecy, lets go find out who your Beloved is." She says giddy with excitment. 

"How?" I say. 

"Come with me."

I was still a little stressed when she mentioned my powers in front of Blake and Louis because I only told them one, I swore I wouldn't ever use it again and I mean it.

I followed her down the hall and she stopped right outside of the door. "Alright drink this."

I look down at the bottle of a green liquid and shake my head but bring the liquid to my lips. It first had a fruity sweet taste and I didn't mind it. 

But then it started forming into sludge in my mouth and I felt like I was going ot throw up. 

I looked at a mirror that was next to me and watched before my very eyes. Out of my hair another me grew. And then I started to change. 

Before my eyes my hair changed into a light blonde, my eyes faded into a light crystal blue and my frame grew a little causing my to grow about an inch taller. I changed into a beautiful blue dress that was strapless and hugged my new body nicely. 

I looked over and saw myself who was standing there looking at me. 

"What?" I shrieked to the women. 

"This is a spell where your identity is hidden. Your true mate will still recognize you as their mate, but you just look different. This clone will fade once the test is complete."

I nodded my head and looked at myself. "Wow I'm really pretty." I say then she laughs. "That indeed my dear girl."

"So what do we do?"

"Youll see."

We walked into the room and both of the boys snapped their heads up. "One of these two women are your mates."

I looked over at Blake who looked at me then to my clone, then back to me and Louis who stared lovingly at my clone. 

"Blaire's my Beloved." He said going over to my clone and holding her hands smiling. 

Blake walks over to me and looks me in the eye searching for something, then he spoke. "Mate."

I looked up into his eyes and saw love, but confusion. 

"You look fake though, I dont know how to say this right, but she's my mate, but she needs to look like Blaire." He said.

I felt myself glow and I heard Louis hiss when his "Beloved" faded. 

"Mine." I say wrapping my arms around Blakes neck.


-Authors Note-

I know.

Very short, very crappy. I'm sorry! I'm tired and kinda not feeling well and I tried to update for you guys. 

Sorry anyone who liked Louis. 

Ill be updating at 150 votes :) and maybe 20 comments?

I also wanted to add I'll be writing another book called Kidnapped by my Mate. 

Ill have it up by tomorrow so check it out!

For this story too i want to do a little contest. 

I'm going to add in a character contest. 

I want you guys to comment 

-Male or Female, name, how they relate to Blaire, Louis, Blake, or even Courtney, and kind of an idea of what kinda drama or conflict they'll cause. 

I'll pick the character either tonight or tomorrow based on how many people commented and Ill post who won next time I update!

Until then My lovlies!

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