One sided...

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Teens have their first crush but if that turned out to be a beautiful saga of love unfortunately one sided then.....
A heart break !!!
everything seems to be unfair....
My girls fairy tale is ended even before it started!

Girls situation:
Even presence of yours is breathtaking for her
She gets hurt when you opt to ignore her rebelliously
You can't see her pathetic face when you deny to even talk
Her first crush bought both cry and smile on same drifting part!!


So lost I'm ....
To even fool my stance .
Lingering during your presence;
Stealing glances in a go;
Crazy stuff just blow!
Keeping note of your well being
I'm immensely dreaming an union with you....

You provoke me to hook up my breath;
Yelling names which I refrain.
Mistaken touch of your marks my place in solace;
All u do is arouse love stricken feelings.....
Just to be trashed back in my heart;
Being one sided hurts brutally
shadowing my faith inside
One sided love cast my weakening sight more to be a diminishing sight......
I always stay far until your retreating figure tears me apart!

Kind of angry I'm-Kind of late you are
So dead looking attire;
Clumsy hair - gray beard strokes million stars!
Sometimes thrives of jealousy too haunts.....
On the verge of expressing
I realised it meant nothing to you;
In your life there's no place I can wish for
Unknowingly irritation is set back;you failed to even notice the pain behind d rude monk; faint smile and silly talk!
All u do is ending my selfless feelings.....
Just to be trashed back in my heart;
Being one sided is relinquished.
shadowing my pride insanely;
One sided love cast my weakening sight more to be a diminishing sight.....
I always stay far until your retreating figure tears me apart!

Till 3am I'm dealing with my demons;
Burning in flames of desire.
Its difficult to let go the memories we made;
Oh sorry its just 'me' and not 'we' from start....
Problem is with 'me'
As 'Us' is cursed in our way .
Never letting my heart and mind to lay a fullstop on your glow;
One sided feelings grow!

Just to be trashed back in my heart;
Being one admirer of yours will be forgotten;
shadowing me as a past....
One sided love drive my weakening sight more to be a diminishing sight......
I will stay stiff until your 'REGRETTING' absence tears me apart!!!!!!

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