I remember

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All the time I screwed over things which never really required my attention. But being dum I neverthelessly kept on going after them. What need was in there? whats so important? I questioned as the fragil girl before me cried and cried about her inconvenience....
I sniffed in my own space of thoughts. She is similar, her voice is comforting can I let her in? should I help her ?

One year later:

The cold me is still awaiting here for the super crazy friend I made.
Don't be surprised about it,helping her was kind of right. She was new in college and all just bullied her because the family name she carries is pitted on her. Ya a bastard child one of the wicked pricked out.This boiled me with anger and I thrashed at them. No sooner I found myself engulfing her in a tight hug.....

Although now I must rethink about whole 'be a saviour thing'
Here I'm waiting for that wierdo to wake up. I hate it when people start taking me for granted! If it was someone else 'me the super rude' person of the school would have dashed the creature in deceptive stage.

Alass this is the change she carved in me. The whole one year spent under her surveillance lit a spark of enthusiasm in me. Soft corner of mine was aroused back.

She was same,she went through more worse than me I over think now....
Her story was different,drastic and lonely to be healed!

'I have lots of patience,
I'm assured of your come back,
In blink of an eye I will make you remember the story behind your unconscious signs.....'

I remember:

Fortune one day jumbled my threads
with a similar figure on distant shore,
I stayed clued on the placed when her eyes met mine.
They bored deep comfort,
They shared similar defray!
Ogling towards them I silenced the disturbance around,
She shivered under my touch but gave in me after sensing same breathlessness so far suffered....

Mine history was her present,
Being dumped my close ones was hell destined.
Our sanity cured the broken pieces we shared on distant shores,
Deep down our darkness kept us sailing.
The two defeated souls claimed victory in each other's arm,
The two harmed souls healed each other's heart......

I remember the pain her face up hold,
The urge for affection and acceptance
I knew this feeling of being unwanted torns a self for lifetime...
Just a bought up by mistake is an identity she weared,
Her efforts of becoming a better person were neglected.
As society never failed to question her character at every step,
Her pure heart wished for the day when her name will be respected for the art she instills.
Not like a princess but kind of small part can her family then spare for her?

I remember every hiccup every unspoken word she intended to complete,
Her cries faded away when I embraced the remaining light.
I was alone-she was lonely and this mishap was enough for me to remember the old stains of wounds I covered !!!

Our friendship was only real in this whole fake world,
'You are mine and I'm yours'
The same words you use to mumble during the panic attacks I faced,
The fear of being left off like mere trash haunted my mind....
You surfaced the anxiety bothering me every night,
Your emotional backup is remembered,
Your sight devoting peace was remembered,
My worries faded away when you embraced the remaining light,
I was loved-she was my lover and this miracle was enough for me to forget the old stains of wounds I use to cover !!!

Karma stings it's scarry plans in silent moments,
In swift action my another half was thrown lifeless in her own suffocative room.
Just because she raised voice agaisnt the abusement her so called step brother caused....
Neglected his cruel intentions by blind heads in there was the flaw!

It was never a suicide,
I shouted- my screams hummed across the hallway....
'It's a planed murder- attempted murder'
I gazed at the weak soul with dimmed
heart rate....
Still unconscious lying inhere breathing furiously!
I chanted every day about our threads to be tangled,
So better you stay-so make best of your rest,
Because the time your eyes shot open I will make you remember the worth your life meant for me,
I will make you remember the worth of your each breath that chocked the hell out of me....
Raising and falling was written in our fate,
So you should resemble these words deeply :

'The two defeated souls are born to claim victory in each other's arm,

The two harmed souls will cure each other's heart......'

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