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Some unexpressed feelings cause immense pain. 'Time's not right'
'I will declare it then' are just excuses which we bluntly make up out of fear. Fear of being rejected haunts everyone down. But if you stop fighting against your feelings and start to accept those then atleast there won't be the guilt of not owing a chance which can enlighten your stars in a way you desire....

The realisation of losing someone special stuck hard when destiny plays a gambling blame game!

He's eyes brimmed tears,the sudden shock of his angel's absence was still piercing his heart.
Like an intruder she sanked in his room which was full of darkness and domine.
She lit up candle of affection inturn fading away the demons residing in there...

Presently :
'My angel is gone,
Long back the curse of my blood
crippled our preety bond,
With each passing breath of yours
I drown myself again in deep blues!
Nowhere to be found-no one to be blamed,
Let it be is all that destiny neglected in the end.....'


I gain my conscious ,
after resembling yards of mares,
huffing over sweat made its way for despair,
reality stuck me so hard!
thereby making my trembing legs to give up the ground,
But numbness took over my senses
As shaterring was nothing new know.....

Its written in my blood,
Sympathy is the last thing I can bear;
Leave me just be away from this flame,
It will burn out your innocence.....
'Let it be' is the last part which she neglected in all!
Death is the never ending fear which cursed her path.

Insulting her character ,
Doubting her intentions ,
Twisting her words ,
Mentally and physically l pushed her far.....
Regaining hope arose a bond of faith ;
Where she planted her right and I allowed the roots resembling her to cage my heart!
Loneliness faded as love was found,
Satan from hell learned to express,
In years of darkness these were the only days mending us together.....

Nights spared immense passion,
Just her touch melted my anger,
Capturing my best abilities,
She gave meaning to my birth,
She became my obsession-my identity which I used to flaunt shamelessly.....

'Stolen' is all I hear my soul screaming in present....
'Let it be' is the last part which she neglected always,
Willing faced piercing truth inorder to bleed out my faults!
She strangled with my blood,
Although destiny on purpose threw daggers,
Accidentally taking her breath,
Death is the never ending fear which cursed our dreams......

Get in your head straight ,
Never treat one in a bad way,
That short scene might turn out to be your last chance.
"Let it be"
"I will clear it latter "
" express it then "
Are thoughts which cause you to be helpless in the end.
Failing your morals will merge replications of wounds within ;
And there's no healing
Guilt and only regret nailing.....

Its written in my blood,
Sympathy is the last thing I can bear,
Leave me just be away from this flame,
It will burn out your innocence,
Let it be is the last part which she neglected in all!
Death is the never ending fear which cursed her path.....

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