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There is nothing worst happening other than a doubt pacifying your true feelings.
I'm having my girl right by my side just few confirming words about growing old together are yet to be expressed.....

I see the fear, slight affection, uncertainity in voice,a bit of awkwardness when she tries to hook up a topic regarding our relation. Honestly I try to avoid it. Don't know why but theres a lot for me to learn about what we share ?

Realisation in time is necessary:

She declared her liking for me.
It's hard to decide whether to deal with on going feelings or just shut it down.
Now it's my time,the high time which I borrowed to rethink, to mark a conclusion, to dream a future union!

'I quited fake concerns long back in a journey to conquer my only glory,
it meant to be slavished alone but vacantness captured my heart....

Her trust within me throughout the rough times. The care and sleepless nights spent mere over my ill health...

No demands no complaints was my policy but this friendship spared more feel which is certainly required to be unravelled now!!! '


My heart is pumping aloud,
throbbing immensely over recursive thoughts of yours,
I failed to express my feelings.
Similar to how you misunderstood my silence,
killing the only affectionate vibes between us,
Your eyes denies my presence,
Your soul beats for completeness,
Longing for your feel I'm constantly weeping.....

Winds blew away with dark clouds
chasing the seas till a desserted island.
Where you deceased the feel we shared,
Where I remised the promises we sweared!

I stand up high on the tip of glory,
spreading my hands I let the breeze hit me hard.
I close my eyes to endeavour peace
with regards to your wishes much more have been accomplished.
But still the memory of you and me entwining fingers and walking through tough times bring tears in my eyes...
The only pair of eyes which shared a dream,
A dream which felt invisible for others glance....

I was honest to all about me being a self-made man,
But reality stands with you who plays vital role in making me go over heels for any goal appearing to be much complex.
See complex- complicated is all that ruled my mind.
You asked what we shared?
Though I regret the complicated me asking for time....

I questioned who are you to me?
'My best friend, a believer, an adviser, beloved crush or a partner in crime!
But the answer never came....

Unless  I imagined a day deprived of your beautiful face and irresistible touches,
Savouring me with sarcastic tone and childish acts of yours.
Ohh! that's your feel embracing my senses over and over again....
So on doubt about you being away, the only feeling makes my body go numb and low aimlessly !

Dark clouds are fading with sun shining brightly reaching the seas around garlands,
Where I will propose the feel we dreamt,
Where I will answer your worries,
I'm ready to feel the completeness we shared:

The only feel of you engulfed in my arms

The only feel of your lips against mine

The only feel of 'love' mending us inseparably in warmthfull world of rejoice..............

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