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I believe

One day soldier's daughter asked gullibly :

Why you have to be so optimistic about winning a war even though you can't make it everytime ?

The soldier smiled at her cute but a little questioning face. He pulled her on his lap and started reciting lifes quiet secrets ......

Some realities which were yet to be faced by his little one!

'The Warrior assassinated never let go the sinking ship in his way. Never he is gonna quit the war, never is the war gonna end without his bloodshed....
But every eye has a belief. Every mind have faith in his lords which means the stromy clouds are going to settle at once, then again birds will chirp new songs and winds will buy another chance for fresh call!

A believer lies beneath every livery soul struggling within his own roof
for existence,
breathing names of evil to be
undone- breaking assumptions lowering spirits....
Standing still in a turmoil and waiting for only the one chance, revolutionary chance leading him high up to touch cloud nine!!!'

'Belief,desires make every impossible task possible,
Belief aroses the hero's-warriors residing within us,
Belief instills vibrant power
pushing limits to endeavour the risky factor called life....'

I believe:

I believe in miracles which bloom
up theories,
In facts which ensures freedom of sight,
Developing millions of minds....
To rethink over there future upcomings,
about miserys constantly changing the chances of reliving moments close to young one's hearts.... beating fast!

Sometimes I run all-over back to get through the only actions worthy being replayed,
the only memories which bring tears and smile at same time.

I believe in dreams as well as in realities,

harsh or just a fling it might be,

but I'm a believer chasing possibilities.....

Lit up a candle in between shallow spaces,
merely trying to get through all the bad phases,
Underestimating your fears is a reasonable conflict burning troops alive!
These threatening lines - slay smile are no more scaring,
compromises and adjustments should never affect self-respect you are carrying.....

Be strong enough that the failures won't drain out your courage.
My heart is beating for a reasonable cause,
for what I steped ahead of all!
I'm shaking falling weak on my knees,
Skipping-trembling gotcha stealing light ;
Because there's no way I'm quitting
there's no other option,
success is what I envision.

I believe in myself as well as in karma,

ruthless or hell tough it might be,

But I'm a believer conquering destinies.....


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