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Life's twist and turns make all of us wonder how survival in lonely woods is hard. There never lies a short cut to cross the frenzy phase. We stay wide awake the whole time untill the one problem hurting us troubling us is eliminated.

Just imagine a boy staying in his uncle's  house grown up with grandparents around. Nutured with care and love. Frienghten grandpa never let out real story of his parents loss .....

one day he finds out the most painful truth of his life. All he's childhood was build up on fake consoles and adultery involved double standard people.

When his nightmares his conscious convences him to ride back, to travel again in a past which locked up many secrets....

So good and happy going life turns out to be a series of thrones which pricked his memory at crucial stages. The slightest possiblity of the disturbing thoughts comming true sent shivers down his spine.

As he stepped out in a real world to find answers for the sleepless nights,
to abandon the screams of little boy, the pleads of women crying, the blood spread across the floor. Untill the crazy turmoil ends with closure.

Someday we sleep to forget pain and someday we be quite awake so  that the deardful dream doesn't strike again.....

Someday we sleep to forget pain and someday we be quite awake so  that the deardful dream doesn't strike again

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"He is scared he is distressed ,
the innocent side has been poised
What's bothering are the rough breaths .... held up in his chest searching for divine!"


There are times of me being drained,
times when all seems to fail!
I never denied about the possibilities,
But surely never had enough guts to accept those facilities.
I sealed up pain ,
I ditached feelings away ......
who used me always ?
who manipulated my ethics?
All my anger issues took in ;o the calmness somehow got dismissed.
Left over no one to look over ,
was the small boy hidding
beneath the table ,
roughly in trauma mostly in chaos ,
Whether to believe his eyes or deny the insidious sights !!!

I'm tired of proving myself worthy
Acting in every possible way to forget suspicious clicks,
At certainty the memory of them was just a fainted forg,
I faced some names but faded was its cause.
The tables have never turned this
cruel unless I entered the dark house
once more,
For answers pondering unknown....

As I roamed across the hall,
This feeling of comfort gasped me.

"I can't see you ,
Yet can sense your scent around."

The half burned chair and crooked photo stand locks up childhood of mine !

The disturbing screams enhanced,
as my steps reached undone paths.
Clouded scenes flashed one after
the other ,
The results were wholely stunning,
As breaths hitched on spotting same closet-same window slides ,
usually horrifying my nightmares....
They were no illusions,
no fake flares,
The fragile boy shivering- crying was nearly reflection of me.
Women pleading for her husband's life was sort of some how related to me.
But who choose to be the hell of devil ,
What aggression took him to burn our wonder home down?
Codes of conduct were blockers,
I recovered a blank memory hovereing more assumsions.
Always there's a clash in time ,
in heart of mine there's always this lie replaying scenes surfacing crucial heights!!!

Turning against the one who's upbringing I was,
Questioning grandpa over and over again....

"Who was the pervert murdering my parents?
Who's shadow crowded my sunshine?
Under who's betrayal my family got destroyed !!!"

No clue no word untill break through was made when I caught the black mask,
The only grey memory of murderer lingering ......

My lungs strived for air and eyes redshort at its best,
It felt unconscious for seconds,
Believing ,wondering ,doubting games were at a halt now!
The nostalgic child lost faith in counts,
The mask fall - face disclosed ,
Own  uncle in crown raided my house.
Nearly ripped off intensions he
carried so far,
Always I stayed with sugar coated person who's real motive blanked
my life,
One who was the sole cause of this disgraceful act,
Neglecting mother's pleads he sheded blood red childhood of mine!
Burnt into ashes were my instincts always,
Played me throughout as a blind folded dumb was fun which destiny enjoyed always.....

Shattered was the world,
Fooled was my family ,
Greedy mess hanged himself....
before I tried to hold his neck on a vengeful heck!
The boy beneath the table....
a little subtle-a little frighten,
Praying for battles to end,
got his anger issues in control.
A Turmoil his past has imprinted,
got worse characters disclosed
which were hiding behind the prettiest
Just for sake of property,
slaughtered were my parents to remorseful death......

I won't forget the crooked house ,
the slab upside down ,
filling images of  my uncle's betrayal.....
lonely nights spend in recollecting pieces of horrifying instance,
Prolonged so far was my trust.
Stiches sealed the sour wound ,
Scar on forehead makes me remind

Always that:

No body in this world deserves to be trusted wholeheartedly.
No body will help you without alternatives.
Replacement is easier now a days,
So think before hurting someone's emotions.
Take stand because karma always fucks up in deadliest ways...
When you commit the crime of destroying inoccence out of a
poor soul,
when you through daagers at a women in labour,
When you kill another being for your creepy satisfaction......

Always there's an invisible power in universe which makes you pay for your horrendous deeds....for your ill behaviour.....



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