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The greatest enemy of ours is fear. Before we are dead the fear is the sole reason behind whole being shot at sight scene. No one can save you unless you yourself are not ready to face it. One can run from it but can never hide....

Hands- legs they all are paralysed we stand dead in our place. The only thing keeping us on a wrong move is the fear. Fear meant loosing ourselves before saving others.
Arguments with a shadow won't ease out the consequences of your decision.

He said lots of admirable phrases but none were true. He admitted a story which was never meant to be narrated.

He saved thousands mind it!
he vigorously sacrificed all to make a lie work .....

The end grabed him behind bars
But the smile smug face light up whenever the story was recalled.


The scenario lacked peace,
I crumbled down no more on my feet.
Heart was beating low,
each moment past made it difficult to breath more!
This pain of bullet hitting my chest felt so hard to digest,
It's effect worsen my strength,
As whole fear drained out in misery;
Last seconds flashed the entire documentary which my life has been conspiring so far...

Fear played wickedly there on.
Hastily events took abrupt turn,
What's left is a vacant place,
Slowing filling in the horrifying feeling of massacre.
Shivering nerves stiffened harder,
reckless breaths of mine spared immense fear;
No more my mind was sane,
No more ethics remained,
Just an unwanted-uneasy step crumbled the world;
Leaving me behind to sabotage plans which were going to duskily harm the innocents!

They took in the hostages;
I leaked blue prints red handed,
Neither me nor the force would have found out the terror plan,
If risk was not intentionally taken
by me.
Mission rolled images off book,
Every one has there own set of fears
mine were graved long back when I decided to accept the blames with a silent act!

Beneath the ground I covered my only shield,
today was the day to kill or get killed!
Surfacing the urge which nailed down emotional bonds,
I paved no time in memorising faces of loved ones now....
Once I step ahead to diffuse granites,
Deeper the illusion of sucidal events crossed.

Lastly I glanced the faces around,
Fear was draining-eyes were brimming,
silent screams hummed hallways,
Caged birds needed a saviour I thought....
With this decision I walked along a thin line .....
Freaking guts kicked my balls high!
Accidentally hit and run chaos started to loosen the case,
I toyed around to trick arm forces in
All alarms went on in time,
Thereby reducing an ambush threatening lives...

Realisation stuck me weirdly like a bullet piercing my cells numb,
Against the law I traded missionaries to make the evil trust on me
to ensure a successful rescue strategy!
'Traitor' a word highlighted every news depleting every corner like a  flue...

No grudges no complaints I stated,
Found guilty by law my batch was lost
Urges to cure were faded in ash...
No one backed me throughout the mission so the results in the end will be unfavourable,
not so surprising for me!

I overpowered my fear ,
I dared to step ahead in line,
Hanging between death and life....
I laughed for those who failed in fulfilling their duties;
I sweared an oath which fear tried to sabotage at once,
But now behind bars theres a relief theres no blood on my hands.
Whats there is  satisfaction about overpowering evil-overpowering darkness...
which once use to harm my inner goods,
I made a fall I took responsibility for the same.
Like a true men I served my nation in way no one else would dared too....

Fear used to play wickedly 
Hastily events took abrupt turn,
What's left is a silent story,
Slowing being unravelled behind the bars under wintery dawns..........

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