Year Two - Pathological Lies

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"Dad, can I go over to Scorpius' house this week?" Albus asked his dad who was sitting in his recliner and reading the Daily Prophet Quidditch section.

Harry put the paper down and pushed his glasses up on his nose, "Scorpius Malfoy?" he asked.

Albus gave a quick nod, his face void of any emotion like usual.

Harry sighed and rubbed his head, "I don't think that's a very good idea..."

Albus furrowed his eyebrows together, "And why not?"

"Because I don't think the Malfoy's are a good influence on you," his dad admitted.

"Scorpius is perfectly fine, thank you," Albus snapped.

Harry raised an eyebrow questioningly, "Fine to you, but not to me or your mother."

"I can befriend whom ever I want," Albus glared, "Scorpius is the only person in the world I know who understands me."

"I'm glad you've found someone who 'understands' you, but I don't trust him or his family," Harry sighed.

"Well I trust him and you trust me, right?" Albus asked, almost pleadingly.

Harry didn't know how to react, his son never pleaded for anything... He also felt this conversation reminded him of Albus' namesake... If Dumbledore trusts him, I trust him.

"To be fair, I don't always trust you, Albus," Harry admitted to his son, who looked appalled at his fathers words, "And my final answer is no, you may not go over to the Malfoy's."

Albus screamed and stomped his foot, Harry was taken aback, Albus had never thrown a fit before.

"I hate you! You're so unfair!" Albus yelled, "I heard you tell mum you don't trust James' friend Peter, yet you still let him hang out!"

Harry spotted James peer around the stairs with a scared expression but focused his attention back to Albus.

"I have my reasons, Albus," he said sternly, "Now I am your father and you'll listen when I tell you no."

"ARGH!" Albus kicked his fathers chair, "I wish you were never my father! You're cruel and you don't even love me!" He stormed off upstairs, making James duck as he passed.


Their arguments didn't stop there. The summer was slow and painful for the Potters, due to Albus' cold attitude towards everyone.

"Albus can you pass me the butter?" Harry asked one night at dinner, holding out his hand for the butter tray.

Albus glowered at his father, "No."

"Albus Severus," Ginny hissed across the table.

Albus glared at her and crossed his arms over his chest in defiance. Lily reached across Albus and grabbed the butter, handing it to her dad.

"Thanks darling," Harry said, taking the butter from his daughter.

"Albus, apologize," Ginny demanded.

"You always make me apologize, even though you know I don't mean it," Albus snapped.

James quickly shoved his food into his mouth and excused himself from the table, not wanting to get caught up in one of Albus' fits.


Albus stepped down the last stair quietly, glancing around the dark room to make sure no one was there. He gripped his wand in one hand and the strap of his rucksack in the other.

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