Year Six - Retry

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(sorry it took so long to update, I wrote and rewrote this chapter like 5 times and still don't like it very much but I'm going with it bc at this point I don't think I'll be able to have anything better. Also if you'd like to know the other drafts were quite more dramatic than this one... Idk I'm stuck in this writers block hell and it's been too long since I last updated help me)


Scorpius was fidgety.

"What is it?" Albus asked, noticing his boyfriends odd behavior.

"I think we need to take a break," Scorpius admitted.

Albus looked at him blankly, "What do you mean by that?"

"Like, as a couple. I-I think we should break up," Scorpius couldn't peel his eyes from the bed sheets.

Albus felt empty, and void of the emotions he knew he was supposed to feel, "I don't think I understand... Why?"

"I-I mean we need a break, to just get the pressure of dating someone off our backs," Scorpius finally looked up at Albus.

"You feel pressure for dating me?" Albus wondered, kind of hurt, but also not sure what he meant.

"Well, no, I just - not you in particular - it's just - I feel there would be pressure when dating anyone, right? Do you... do you not feel that pressure?" Scorpius shrunk backwards slightly as if to close himself off. Albus was just confused.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Albus admitted. Scorpius frowned.

"Okay well, forget it then. But I still think we need a break..." Scorpius was still fidgeting.

"Is that what you want?" Albus asked.


Albus numbly stepped into the kitchen where his mum was standing at the stove and the rest of his family was seated at the table.

"Oh, hello Albus!" Ginny greeted, "You're home from Scorpius' soon."

Albus was silent for a moment as he stood there, "Yeah, uh, Scorpius broke up with me."

"Oh darling," Ginny set the food down and quickly made her way over to embrace him. He didn't return the hug. "Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?"

Albus shook his head, stepping away from his mum to sit down, "No, I mean there's nothing to talk about, but yeah I'm fine. I don't really feel anything."

Lily gave him a sad look, but Albus knew she wasn't really sympathetic. Not that he even wanted their sympathy.

"What do you mean, you don't feel anything?" Harry asked.

Albus shrugged, "I'm just numb. There's nothing to it. If that's what he wanted then whatever."

"Aren't you a little bit upset though?" James asked hesitantly.

"I just don't want to loose him as a friend, because that's usually what happens isn't it? When friends date, they don't ever go back to just being friends again," Albus turned his attention to his plate and stabbed at his food.

The Potter's didn't say anything more, incase he had a fit.


There was a knock on the carriage door and Albus looked up from his book.

"Can I sit in here with you?" Scorpius asked warily.

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