Year Five - Irritable

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"So Potter told you about the Fiendfyre in the Room of Requirement?"

Scorpius nodded, Draco laughed, "Likes to make himself the hero doesn't he? Bloody git. Bet he didn't tell you about the time he almost killed me in sixth year?" Scorpius shook his head.

"He used some Dark Magic even I don't know. Your father is capable of some horrible things, even if he acts otherwise," Draco nodded towards Albus.

"What'd he do, father?" Scorpius asked curiously.

"He used a curse that caused deep cuts to slice up my chest. I would've bleed to death if it wasn't for my Professor Snape," he explained.

"Severus Snape?" Albus asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, and I still have the scars from it," he pulled back the collar of his robes slightly to reveal a scar slashed dangerously close to his neck.

"Do you remember the incantation?" Scorpius asked hopefully.

Draco shook his head, "Unfortunately no, it all happened too fast. For years I've been trying to find it, but it isn't in any books I've read."

"Could you ask your dad?" Scorpius turned to Albus with a bit of hope, though he knew it would be a long shot.

Albus thought about it for a moment, "I could always try, but he's already on me. I'd have to get it out if him in an unsuspecting way."

Scorpius nodded understandingly and Draco continued to talk, "Do you two know if the Room of Requirement is still there?"

The two boys shrugged cluelessly.

"Well when you go back to school next month, I want you to check," Draco informed.

"How?" Albus asked.

"Go to the 7th floor corridor, think about something you really need and pace back and fourth three times and a large door should appear," Draco instructed.

Scorpius was now excited, "Does it give you whatever you want?"

"As far as I'm concerned, anything except for food."

"That could come in handy," Albus smirked at his boyfriend.


"Dad can you tell me more about your school years?" Albus asked innocently, sitting down next to his dad on the couch.

Harry turned to his son with a confused look, "Are you feeling alright?" he held his hand to Albus' forehead, checking his temperature.

Albus laughed lightheartedly, "I'm fine, I'm just curious about what Hogwarts was like for you back in the day. You know after you told me the story about you being a hero and saving Draco from a deadly, life threatening fire, I've just been really curious."

Harry still eyed his son carefully, "Alright... What would you like to know?"

"Well, you've never really talked about your sixth year. That was your, Aunt Hermione's and Uncle Ron's last year, right?"

Harry nodded, "But I don't want you getting any ideas, you're going to finish out your Hogwarts career, you hear?" he teased.

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