The End

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Dominus' wand clattered to the floor and with his arm stiff, Albus used as much force as he had left to shove Dominus against the wall. He stepped closer to the weakened man and picked up his wand before pressing his own to Dominus' neck.

"You're finished, old man," Albus shook his head, knowing he'd finially acheived what he'd wanted since the beginning.

Dominus only chuckled manically, his crooked teeth showing through his evil smirk. Albus snarled at him in response. Dominus shook his head as if he thought Albus was a fool, before yelling to someone not in the room, "Gentlemen, bring the boy in!"

The door to Dominus' office opened but Albus merely gave Dominus' a confused glare. "Oh don't worry boy, I'm not finished with you quite yet," he growled in Albus' ear, then shoved him away, making Albus stumble backwards. He turned to see two bulky guys each gripping one of Scorpius' slender arms. The young boy had a rag tied around his mouth, his hands tied behind his back, his hair was dirty and tangled, and he had tear tracks tainting his pretty cheek bones.

Albus' stomach twisted uncomfotably at the sight, just as Dominus' hand twisted harshly in his robes. Albus jerked his shoulder away from Dominus in a lame attempt to escape his hold.

The burly men shoved Scorpius to his knees, making the blond wince. "Boys, on my word, show Albus here what he deserves." Albus watched as the men pulled out their wands, one of them casting Crucio on Scorpius. Scorpius screamed out in pain. He only stopped when Dominus held up his hand. Albus tried to run but he was still trapped in the older mans strong grip.

"Scorpius!" Albus cried out softly. Dominus' finally let go of Albus, letting the boy run to Scorpius' side. Albus cupped Scorpius' cheeks and tried to wipe away the tears.

"Now Albus, I'll make you a deal," Dominus spoke slowly. Albus barly glanced over his shoulder to see Dominus slowly walking around his desk towards Albus. "I let you kill me, and you take over my position," he drawled on. Albus didn't move, but Dominus' had his full attention weather he knew it or not. "But!" Dominus added, "The Malfoy boy dies with me." Albus froze, and watched as Scorpius swallowed hard and his whole face drained of color.

Albus slowly rose to his feet, ignoring Scorpius' sudden mumbles of protest from behind the cloth. "What's the other option?" Albus asked, malice dripping from his tongue as he glared the other man down.

Dominus shrugged in response, a sarcastic frown on his face, "I live, and keep my power and your little boy toy is spared, but if you survive - well, that's another story," he chuckled evilly.

Albus' stomach dropped again and he gripped both Dominus' wand and his wand in the same hand, reminding himself that he still had some power over over him.

"I'll let you decide, I'll give you as much time as you need," Dominus smirked.

Albus slowly walked around Dominus' mahogany desk, trailing his fingers over the smooth but occasionally dented wood. He mindlessly flipped through some of the pages in a book that had been open on top of the desk. He sat down in Dominus' mighty chair, resting his arms on the high arm rests pretending to think about his decision. "Hmm," he hummed, "It would feel nice to sit like a king everyday..."

"Hmm, yes indeed," Dominus hummed in reply, trailing his arm down across the back of the chair.

Albus stood up before Dominus could take his wand back and stepped away from the desk. "Have you come to a decision?" Dominus wondered, no pressure in his voice, more curiosity instead.

"I think I have," Albus eyed him carefully. Scorpius started mumbling through the rag again and Albus tried to ignore him like Dominus was. "It's something that I've wanted for years, and you're just placing it in my hands, like a gift." Scorpius' mumbling became audible, panic words as the cloth slipped from around his mouth.

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