Year Six (Continued) - Feelings Get In The Way

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"You're slacking."

"That's not my fault."

"It is your fault. You're letting your feelings for that Malfoy boy get in the way of your duties."

"You're the one who wanted Scorpius in on this," Albus snapped.

"Young and foolish," Dominus chuckled, shaking his head, "When will you realize that love is but a lie?"

"I do love Scorpius," Albus insisted, glaring at his mentor.

"Love is blind!" Dominus shouted back, "He is hindering your capability!"

"That's not true," Albus crossed his arms firmly over his chest.

"Point A: your love for him is making you stubborn!" he threw his hands in the air to express his exasperation.

Albus huffed, "Maybe Scorpius was right, I never should have joined you."

Dominus rolled his eyes and pushed the hood of his cloak off, which was something he never did. "Think carefully boy, know where your priotities lie."


Albus dropped a pile of books onto Scorpius' bed, making the blonde boy startle, "Oh! There you are, what's up?"

"We're slacking," Albus said, repeating Dominus' words.

"Sorry?" Scorpius wondered, shutting his own book.

"The attacks, they're getting weaker," Albus replied, not even looking at his friend as he started flipping through one of the books he had snuck from the Restricted Section.

Scorpius' shoulders fell, "Al, maybe we shouldn't... you know... continue the attacks. I've been doing some thinking a-and maybe it's not the best idea. We had fun with it when we were younger because we knew we could get away with it, but now... with your father and all the other Aurors filtered into Hogwarts..."

"Are going weak on me?"

"No, I'm just saying..." Scorpius trailed off, shying away from Albus.

"Scorpius, I don't think you understand. I have to do this. I have to do this or he'll hurt me!" Albus replied angrily.

"Hurt you? Who will hurt you?" The protectiveness in Scorpius' tone was very obvious, though Albus didn't even realize.

"Dominus. He's ordered me to keep up with them, if I go against his rule, I - I-" the black haired boy stuttered as Scorpius' voice rose over his.

"Dominus? Albus what the fuck?!" He yelled, shoving all the books off the bed forcefully.

Albus flinched and took a step away as Scorpius moved off the bed. "He recruited me when we weren't talking, and I had figured we wouldn't be friends anymore, so it wouldn't matter!" he shouted back.

"What the hell, Albus? I can't fucking believe this! You actually joined him? Even after everything we argued about? You really didn't care about me, or my opinion that much?" Scorpius shouted in disbelief. Though why should he be surprised? This was the whole reason they broke up! Because Albus didn't care about him.

"I do care Scorpius, what have we been discussing for the past two weeks?! This was before I even realized my feelings for you, and what does that have to do with Dominus?" Albus wondered, his anger still flaming inside him.

"You get attached, and obsessed with things, Albus and it's like I don't even exist! You push the important things aside and focus on destroying things. You're like a bloody flame and one thing sparks and you're off burning people! You take down everyone in your way and it hurts! It fucking hurts! You're a right selfish bastard, you know that? I told myself to not get attached to you again, and the moment you told me that you really did love me, I was back in over my head," Scorpius ranted.

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