Year Five (Continued) - Power

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"Hey! Teddy's here!" James jumped up off the couch at the sound of someone knocking at the door. Lily was quick to follow him out of the living room. The only reason Albus was even down there was because his parents wanted him to at least greet Teddy, it had been nearly four years.

Teddy was greeted with the warmest welcome ever and Albus wanted to vomit, or set the whole house a blaze. He resisted all temptations.

Teddy and the Potters caught up for what seemed like hours to Albus. Eventually the pure excitement died down and Teddy was comfortably drinking his second tea in his usual chair, and it seemed like the old times when Teddy would stay for the summer. (Except there was a Christmas tree up and everyone (minus Albus of course) was wearing their tacky Christmas sweaters and drinking hot chocolate.)

Lily had gone back to her book, James had gone back his game of wizard chess with their dad, and Teddy and Ginny had fallen into a easy chat. Albus was also buried in his book and had barely uttered a 'Hi' to Teddy the whole time.

Suddenly Albus felt the couch dip and he didn't even look up, just glared at his book while he read.

"Hey kid, can I talk to you?" Teddy asked quietly.

"You're talking to me now, aren't you?" Albus sassed, still not even glancing from the book.

Teddy sighed, "Come talk to me in the kitchen."

Albus sighed as well and shut his book, tucking it under his arm as he stood up and followed Teddy into the kitchen. Teddy shut the door behind them and then sat up on the table.

"What's up, kid? Seems like it's been ages," Teddy gave his god brother a half smile.

"I'm not a kid anymore," Albus snarled.

"Yeah, but you'll always be a kid to me," he ruffled Al's already untidy hair. "So what's been going on? What's new? Anything you want to talk to me about?" Teddy asked. He didn't have that skeptical look in his eyes like most people do when they're trying to get someone to spill, but Albus knew what Teddy was doing. Albus' dad had asked Teddy to talk to him in hopes of getting it out of him. By 'it' that meant the story behind knowing about the Half-Blood Prince and the attacks.

"I'm dandy, thank you very much," Albus gave him a fake smile.

Teddy frowned, "Talk to me, I've missed you." He patted the spot on the table next to him. Albus at first decided not to take the seat, then caved in and sat down. "Have you got a girlfriend or anything?" Teddy asked, trying to butter him up, Albus assumed.

Albus thought for a moment. He didn't have a girlfriend, but could he tell Teddy that he and Scorpius were boyfriends? Albus didn't even feel much towards Scorpius if he was being honest. He tried. He tried every day to just try and feel something. Something for this kid who obviously was head over heels for him.

Albus shook his head, "I'm not interested in finding someone." That wasn't a lie.

Teddy shrugged, "That's alright. You don't always need someone." Albus nodded slightly.

"Hey... there's something I wanted to ask you," Teddy stared and Albus gave his single nod, "Your dad has been telling me about these... attacks at Hogwarts-"

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