Year Six (Continued) - The Truth

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After receiving a letter from McGonagall about Albus, Harry wasn't pleased. He stepped inside the Headmasters office and she greeted him almost instantly.

"Hello Potter. Thank you for coming so soon. Have a seat," she gestured to the chairs across from her desk and she sat down in her own across from him.

"What is it you needed, Minerva?" Harry questioned.

"I know you've been at home this weekend with Albus and I hate to drag you back here, but I'm afraid we have found somethings of great concern," she said and Harry gave her a curious yet confused look. "Madam Pince found these in the library on Saturday night. They belong to Albus." Using her wand she set a messy pile of books and parchment in front of him.

Harry hesitantly lifted up the top book, running his hands over the black cover which had a menacing snake imprinted in it.

"These are Dark Magic books that were believed to have been destroyed centuries ago," she explained. Harry carefully opened it, flipping through the pages. On the inside of the back cover the name 'MALFOY' was scrawled out in faded ink and he ran his thumb over it. He looked up at the Headmaster, knowing how this was going to play out.

"And this," she pulled out a worn piece of parchment, "Is all of the attacks on students." She passed the parchment to Harry who read over it. That was definitely Albus' handwriting and Harry felt sick. He'd always figured it was Albus, but he'd never had solid proof, and here it all was for him, yet he suddenly didn't want to do anything about it.

Harry set the list back on the pile and shook his head, "What does this mean then?"

"You're head of Magical Law Enforcement, you tell me," she replied.

Harry put his head in his hands, "He's so young..."

"And so were all the other innocent students that he harmed, Potter," She replied seriously. "I have no other choice but to expel him whether he's your son or not," she admitted.

Harry felt like everything was crashing down for Albus. "Can't you just suspend him? For the rest of the year or something? You can't break his wand, I'd never forgive myself."

"Harry, he's harmed over fifty students in the past six years, I can't let this slide so easily," she sighed.

"What about Scorpius? He seems to have been in on this as well," Harry asked.

"I'll discuss with him, but I'm sure it'll be the same punishment as Albus gets," Harry felt sick, as much as he wasn't so fond of the kid, he felt guilty at the thought of his son and his son's best friend getting expelled.


"How'd they find out?" Dominus demanded.

"How the bloody hell am I supposed to know? I've been locked up in the hospital or at home!" Albus half lied, ripping the official Ministry letter that had been delivered, announcing his long term suspension from school.

"You're lucky your father fought for you. They would have snapped your wand and you would have been completely useless to me. You must be more careful, I will not tolerate this again. I hope I'm clear," Dominus said sternly.

"Yes sir," Albus nodded shamefully. His entire plan was backfiring, Dominuis' trust in him was dwindling away and he'd never get the power he deserved at this rate.

Suddenly Dominus' door burst open, "I'm sorry to bother you father, but some Aurors straight from the Ministry have found us."

Albus spun around, not believing his ears as the familiar voice spoke, "Evanna?" he asked in disbelief. He gaped at the tall girl with short brown hair. She merely narrowed her eyebrows at him in confusion.

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