Year Four - Run Away

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Scorpius watched as Albus stormed into the boy's dormitory. He threw open his trunk and started tossing things into his bag. A pair of robes, the Invisibility Cloak he had nicked from James (again), a pack of fags, and an old packet of muggle crisps that he wasn't sure how he got.

"What are you doing?" Scorpius asked, setting his book down on his lap.

"I'm running away," he answered, not even looking up from his rummaging.

"You're what? Albus- you- no!" Scorpius spluttered as he jumped off his bed and went over to Albus, "And since when have you smoked?" he yanked the fag packet out of the bag.

"Since this summer," Albus replied, taking the small box back and stuffing it in his robes pocket.

"Are you insane?" Scorpius asked, unsure of what to do.

"According to my family, yes," Albus closed his rucksack and tossed it over his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Scorpius asked worriedly.

Albus shrugged, finally looking at his friend, "Somewhere other than here. No one cares about me. My family doesn't understand."

"What about me? I care about you... I understand," Scorpius gripped Al's arm.

"Come with me," Albus decided.

Scorpius looked appalled, "Albus, you haven't thought this through. You can't just run away without a plan, expecting me to follow."

"Going without a plan seems to work out for those bloody Gryffindors. You don't have to come," Albus snapped.

"Albus, just-"

"You just said you care about me!" Albus shoved Scorpius away from him, "If you really did care about me, you'd understand why I have to leave!"

"Running away isn't going to solve your problems! Think about what you're leaving behind! All those attacks? What are they going to say when they suddenly stop the day you leave?" Scorpius asked, hugging his arms to himself, not daring to touch Albus again.

Albus rolled his eyes, "My father already knows it's me, there's no use in covering it up."

"He does?" Scorpius' face went even paler, if that was possible.

Albus waved his empty hand dismissively, "He suspects it's me. I've tried to convince him, but he's too damn persistent."

"Albus, it's not a good idea," Scorpius pleaded.

"I don't care what you think, Scorpius, I'm leaving! My father hasn't given up the DADA post. My brother is terrified of me. My sister won't even look at me in the halls, and my mother wants to send me to a fucking mind healer!" he shouted. "They don't love me the way you should love your son... But that's fine because the feelings mutual," he huffed, turning around. He started walking away.

Scorpius reached out to grab his friend, but his fingers barely brushed the fabric of his robes before he pulled his hand back into a fist at his chest.

"Albus, I love you," Scorpius blurted.

Albus froze in his spot.

"I-I'm in love with you and I can't let you run away and leave everything behind," he admitted, not sure where he got the nerve to admit that.

Albus slowly turned around, "What...?"

"I-I'm in love with you," Scorpius stuttered, his confidence disintegrating as he looked his friend in the eyes.

Albus shook his head and Scorpius took a step forward, but Albus took three backwards.

"Please say something," Scorpius whispered.

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