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Hit the folks YAHH

Let me stop

Lets get on basics ok

so like NINI just posted something about haitian parents but imma post something about haitians in general and the sterotypes.

1: We speak weird

-Like I know haitians can speak weird especially my mom she's a haitian french person so she has this weird ass acient and sometimes I just ask God like why is she talking like that, then I have to remember that she is haitian..... and french. 

2: We take forever

-Now I am not gonna lie, I only take 7 minutes to do my morning routine. Cus, I am a tomboy but my sister will take from 5:35 to 6:42 just to get in the shower brush her teeth do her hair, and then pick out clothes. And since this girl goes to a public school and I go to a charter school of course we have a hot ass uniform. But at home I will be slayin' it with shoe game, and my joggers and stuff. She'll be like dappy were are your joggers. And I'll just be like the bus is going to leave you if you don't go. And she goes will Mom will drop me off. Right wen my mom will say Hurry up foreverbae because im not driving up to gardens. And then she'll go oh ok at 6:50 and she has my mom drive her up to Gardens. Now WPB and PGA are like 35 minutes from each other so just realize what type of gas my mom has to waste bringing her no havin time management self. My MOM oh lord, on time we were suppose to go to church at 7:15 and it was a conference night week thingy. So this women is going to get ready by 6:45pm then she is going to get us ready but were big kids. Then she stays in her room getting ready doing who knows wat. Then she comes out at 8:57 and drives us to the church it takes 15-20 minutes to get there. Then the message is done and the benediction is being said. Like really you had alll this timee.... And then the people cus it's a haitian church, THEY JUDGE so they are like oooh look at sister M and her children out there late and shit. 

3: Next time you do that imma whop yo ass

-Mom mom mom, 

How many times do I have to tell you 

that even when you say that i don't listen to youuu

Imagine John legend said that. 

But forreal like do you know how many times I have gotten told that she was going to whop me because i left my clothes i came from school or church and I get lazy I put it on my dresser. Then she goes

"Next timmeeeee.... You do that... hmmmmm.... I'm gonna beat your ass" 

And I go ok i won't do it anymore knowing 17 minutes later when I change my clothes Imma be doing the same shit again. 

And one time I got a detention and she was like 

"Next timmmeee..... You do that AGAIN.... Ohhh... little girll... I'm gonna beat your ass"

I gotta second detention for saying im going to slap some sense into you and she twisted my lips. She didn't whop me but twisted my lips

That shit hurt buttttt, i mean....... she only held on for 4 seconds and it was a death lock. On my lips.


I will continue but it's getting late and I have to read a book and listen to music because I am post-insomoanic. That just means in some times of the night or day I can't sleep The desire to sleep in my brain is shut off completely. 

Until next time loves


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