Now police officers aren't only killing random black people
But they abusing whites and other ethnicities
Well in florida my good old WPB area the police uniforms are green, black, and a turqoise.
As far as im concerned ain't no blue lives matter here
Like This is what Im going to say. I was thinking at first why protect the people that are killing innocent people and not doing such a good job at it. Then I thought I can't judge on that shit cus im not perfect myself, nor can I choose the fact that people just think that it's ok to protect people that really don't even care about others lives.
No im not gonna lie I knoe officers that are only about safety and wont do that type of stuff where they cause a persons life. But then their's people that just OOHHHMMMYYYGOOODD................. 17 bullets in the poor kids body and then they just gonna pull off some type of shizz too....... Saying there not guilty....UMMM that's not justice
Last time I reviewed the constitution I thought that bih said justice for all Americans... black AMERICAN....... Justice for all AMERICANS..... Or did the judge just didn't read the Constitution.
I know there's a difference between Justice and Equality we already have Equality as blacks. Or African Americans... Buuutttt Justice is what we need to get.... Like does a person have to be known like Ben Carson or Kanye West just to get Justice in being classified Human.
WELLL IM DONE.... Im tired and I am done with this.
I just brought it up to peoples attention because I was on IG and i found this.
One love you guys