Prissy Art Children

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Like really aint no where for you to be acting prissy. Just because you got into an art school, you change your whole demeanor.

I knoe someone names Shelly and she auditioned for Bak Middle School of Arts. Shelly and my friend Marco encouraged me. Just because Marco goes to the school, and we go to the same church I decided to do it. I didn't get in. Shelly did. 

This girl straight up went from a nice person that really doesn't care about much things, but is really bossy and not rude often. To I can run the world, I'm the best drawing major there is and I an more talented than you. 

Like really.... If that was you, then why didn't you audition to go to them art schools in freaking New York or California. 

And heres where she went wrong. 

On the 8th graders field day. Remember this an 8th grade event. I accidently pushed her. She got made. I apologized and said it was an accident because it was. And this girl is going to ruin the event by yelling and clapping and getting ghetto talking about some you need to stop being rude. Your ruining the event. Your the ratchet one. Why are you just doing things to me and not even trying to own up to your mistakes. But I was like Pause you need to chill with that cus I done told you I was sorry and it was an accident at heart. Then she goes that's why you couldn't get into bak. I said if anything Im happy I don't have to go to bak because I knoe how the school is. And if your taking that attitude to bak, I think you need to go to Bear Lakes. 

Now people that live in WPB, FL knoe that Bear Lakes is the worlds most ratchestestest middle school there is in Palm Beach County. It's not a bad school, not everybody there is bad, but it's a school that just some people there are plain ratchet. And I told her that, cus why got to a rich artsy school that includes you to have good behavior. If you can't even keep your chill about an accident. Like are you serious. But that's none of my business. 

I just walked away and walked into the cafeterria because it was lunch time already too. 

SO here's my point if you got a talent most recognized artisticly and intellectually, please use it to benefit people and not act dumb and be a retard and become rude with it. Like chill with that foolishness. 


Alrighty you guys 

One Love, 



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