shake that ahh
shake that ahh
shake that ahh
shake that ahhh
How are you wonderfilled children doing today. or tonight?
But..... Heyyy now hey now
does ur momma know you shake like that
Bruh let me stop
Get back at it
Get back at it
Ok let me get to my point
Girl make your body jump, jump, jump, jump, jump,
wind up, wind up, wind up.
Ok now i need to stop
All seriousness now..... Hi
BOOOTYYY is my topic
Now you really don't have to be thick to have but.
My friend Anne, she's a stick with butt: Bblover102
Nelly got ahh yet she's very small and delicate... I love you though: nellywashere
And not only the black people but what about our white girls with but... SOphiaa you are not fully white to me, Instagram messed you up.... BUTTT, that booty she has: Wild_Successful
My Point is you really don't need butt...
Or booty
Cus I have butt and it really doesn't matter. Like girls try to squat and shit to get a plump round nice ass. And I'm just here like wanting to hide my but.
For the girls with butt, when you go shopping you need a dress that doesn't pay much attention to the buns right. When you do the pants section it's really hard to find you some pants that actually fit both your colossal butt and the waistline you have.
It's not cool to have a big butt. Ok when Momma's make you thick, ummmmm it's kind of a struggle. Like I wish I was like my homegirl: queen_love12 like her ass isn't as big but,(im using the conjuction and not the body part) it's not too small. She can buy pants easily because her Butt fits her body.
I just wanted my gloudious maximums to shrink or at least get a bit smaller. I wanna have a ass that isn't so big but fits my body. At the end of the day........... We all have butts just as we have bodies. There all different... but you know how your body fits you at the end of the day. Maybe it was for the benefit and not for the bad.
Go check out the book Im co-writing in
it's not bad it's unique
please read it.
It's called Livin the nightmere or nightmare. I don't know how to spell good.
But go check it out