Whom do you please, everything is with ease; But those who have colors that have difficulties. Their life was full if intricacies.
Now answer this, whom do you please. Making laws after a cartoon character; Starting the origin of black face. Then there's chaos soon after.
Again whom do you please, to try to associate with other humans, as your own. With different colors. Yet, there's a sign to put division.
Again, whom do you please, to say that even God himself, looks down at this. From the era of separation.
One last time Answer this yourself Whom do you please --------------------- Since this is February and it is Black History Month, all month. I just rather have written this about the Jim Crow Laws. Now this isn't history class so I won't give you a lesson about the Jim Crow Laws, you can research on your own time. Anyways so this is what I think about when, I'm in class and they tell me about the Jim Crow Laws.
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