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I stared at the scene. Phoenix Drop looked to be in utter distress. I was only gone for one night!? How could this happen? Lauren narrowed her eyes at the scene. "I'm going to guess that this isn't what Phoenix Drop normally looks like" she said. "No, it normally doesn't" I replied. Then I heard Garroth's voice. "How could we just lose her! Laurence. I have no idea where she could have been taken". Laurence's voice cut in "I know Garroth. I mean. Seriously Zane is dead and the shadow knights couldn't have found a way back so quickly". The rest was just mumbling. I looked back at Lauren. A mischievous grin played on her lips. "Let me handle this" she said. Curiosity got the best of me. So, I let her continue. She walked straight up to Laurence and Garroth. "Why, Hello from the other side" she said. Laurence sighed "what do you want". Lauren placed her hands on her hips. "Oh, I just happen to overhear a conversation about Aphmau and going missing". Garroth clenched his fists. Laurence tensed. Lauren smiled. Garroth replied " Yes, and unless you have any information to share with us. Leave. I know you helped out our situation with the wedding and all but I am pretty sure the villagers won't exactly trust you with the current situation we are in". She smiled again "oh, I do have info". She waved at me. I walked on over. Garroth dropped his sword. Laurence looked at me with disbelief. "Oh my Irene" they said in unison as they pulled me into a group hug. Lauren awkardly stood off to the side. "What happened when I was away? I was only gone for one night that's nothing new" I said. Garroth spoke up "Lady Aphmau, we thought you were kidnapped again!". Laurence and Dante nodded in agreement. Lauren suddendly spoke "Well, Imma just gonna grab my stuff and leave" . I stood up "Lauren, I thought you were going to stay?" I asked. She sighed "Yeah, I know. It's I just want to find... Someone. I hope you won't mind".  I smiled "Of course I don't mind! Are they going to be staying with you?" Her face brightened "Yes! They are". She then just left without a word. She waved me a goodbye.  Garroth, Laurence, and Dante instantly questioned where I went. I told them the whole story. 

~Timeskip brought to you by Cake~

I rested my head on my pillow. It had been a long, long  3 days. I had to repair everything that was broken. Zoey then came into my room "Aphmau! Someone is knocking at the door asking for you" She said.  A wave of panic surged through me. I walked with Zoey glancing into the kids' room seeing Luna, Malachi and Levin asleep. At least they were safe. As soon as I saw who it was I smiled. Lauren waited patiently outside my door. She smiled "Aphmau! I want you to meet the person I was talking about". A girl about Luna's age peered at me with grey eyes. I cooed over the little child 'Oh my Irene, Lauren, she is so cute! I will get you a house as soon as I can". The little child clung tightly to her mother's leg. Lauren smiled brightly "Thank you so much for letting us in. This village is way better than stupid O'khasis. Also this is Artemis I guarantee they will get along so well!". Artemis smiled weakly at me. I then realized how much she looked like her mother. She had long ash blonde hair and her grey eyes sparkled with interest. 'Momma what's with the noise" Luna's voice echoed. She came down the stairs and meet eye to eye with Artemis.  The Luna squealed 'Another girl who I can play with". She pulled Artemis into a hug. Artemis nervously smiled and said "Your really nice! Maybe we could play tomorrow". Luna squealed with glee and ran up to her room waving Artemis goodbye. It was honestly really cute to watch Luna be that happy and Artemis to shyly be happy. Lauren let out a giggle "Well I guess I will be seeing you tomomarrow!"

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