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Nathan's POV:

"We have to remain calm, you know our mate, she is reasonable. She's probably just thinking about things. You have to calm down." Told me with a straight face. I continued pacing in the hallway, getting more and more agitated. Eventually I let out an animalistic snarl and punched a nearby locker so hard it busted off one of the hinges and left a giant dent in the locker. I heard a small squeak coming from an even smaller girl who was standing behind us. I thought we were alone in the hallway but apparently we weren't.

"Um... um-well- can I get to my locker maybe-"Her words were cut off when she caught sight of her mangled locker. Her mouth gaped open and her glasses slid down her small button nose. I sent her a piercing glare and she started to tremble. Kameron walked past me, shoving my shoulder as he did. He bent down to the small mousy girl and gave her a big grin. Her eyes widened, and a red blush covered almost her entire face. She looked down at her shoes and mumbled something that sounded like "Hi Kameron."

"Well, this is- I mean was your locker I'm assuming. Don't worry, I'll help you get out whatever you wanted to get and then I'll help my brother repair your locker. Does that sound ok?" He was treating her like a small child, but she didn't care. He was talking to her, acknowledging her presence, which was enough for her. She nodded numbly.

"So, what did you want to get from your locker?" He asked slowly, as if she couldn't understand English; at this point she probably couldn't. She was gaping at him, her eyes watching his lips move, nodding her head.

"Well...?" He asked. She blushed furiously and her head snapped down to her shoes. I decided to save the poor girl. Kam didn't know what he was doing, but that didn't change the fact that he was doing it.

"Hey, shorty", that caught her attention." What do you want from your locker, 'cause we got shit to do that's a lot more important than your college level nerd books." I leveled with her. She glared at me through her smudged glasses; I guess having the most popular guy at school talk to you can give a girl a confidence boost.

"Whatever Nathan, I just need my pre-calc text book." She said snappishly. I turned to her already smashed locker, and ripped it off its hinges. I grabbed the text book and handed it to her. Her mouth was open and her eyes were wide. I had already been too nice, and I had a reputation to uphold after all. So I said what most would expect me to say.

"You better close your mouth before someone gets the wrong idea." I tapped her chin closed, and if possible her blush got even redder. She grabbed her text book and stormed off. I had a smirk on my face that I just wasn't feeling. I was too worried about Alex to feel any satisfaction in teasing that poor little nerd.

"Dude! That poor girl! Why did you do that?" Now he was getting on my nerves. I was already aggravated by the fact that Alex wasn't standing next to me, which couldn't be fixed; add that to the fact that Kameron did a lot more to the girl than I did, I mean at least I was straight up with her. Kam didn't even know what he was doing! So yeah, I was pissed.

"Why did I do what?! Huh? I got rid of the girl, AND solved her problems! What exactly did I do wrong!?" I really wanted to hear his reasoning on this.

"Well Nate, you could have been a little more sensitive about it..." His tone was quiet, as if he could see I was beyond reason. For some reason this angered me enough to bring my wolf to the surface.

"More sensitive about it? Really? At least I was straight up with her, and didn't treat her like a little kid! And at least I wasn't flirting with her! I was an ass, but I am an ass! The best part is that you didn't even know what you were doing! Some of us actually have to try to get stuff done, not flash girls their big blue eyes and have people falling at your feet!" I had a feeling I had said too much, but at this point I didn't care. I was steaming, and I could tell that my eyes were flashing. I was having a hard time controlling my wolf. At hearing my words I saw his eyes flash black, and could almost feel a snap in his control, in seconds he was up in my face, his face as red as the girl's from earlier, only from anger.

"You think I don't know how people treat me! I'm the Alpha, I get treated differently! Do you know the first girl I ever kissed tried to talk me into ditching my future mate so she could become Luna?!? When she found out that you apparently had more 'alpha' than me, which we both know isn't true, she dumped me! When you turned her down do you know what she said to me? Huh?" I could tell he was serious, and I was starting to wonder exactly what had happened. I kept a straight face and raised one eyebrow, which only seemed to egg him on.

"She came back to me and told me that I was the only girl I'd ever get because nice guys finish last. She was right! I am the one who's smart! I get good grades; I'm level headed, AND have more alpha than you! But does that matter? Of course not! You have friends, people admire you, and they don't all kiss your ass!" I didn't understand. People looked up to him, he has friends, what did he mean?

"Poor baby gave his first kiss up to a whore, boo-hoo! Do you know that at least five girls have come up to me to lose their virginity? Weird huh? Apparently they just didn't want to be virgins anymore and thought I would be fine with a one night stand because, hey! I can't have emotions! And what do you mean you don't have friends? You are the most popular guy in the school! I am just a delinquent who has no future besides the pack! You could go somewhere if you wanted to! Be a doctor, a lawyer, an astronaut! Whatever! You're even obviously Alex's Favorite! And while we don't know where she is, you're sitting here flirting with little nerds! Do you even care about her?" I could tell I had gone too far when his eyes turned fully black and his nostrils flared. His fingernails sharpened into claws and I could see his canines when he growled at me right before he lunged.

I only had a half a second to brace myself before he threw himself at me full force. We landed in a heap on the floor, a flurry of claws, teeth, and animalistic snarls. I felt his claws rip a chunk out of my ribs, and I flinched knowing that when the adrenaline wore off that would hurt. Alphas heal faster than even normal wolves, but when the wound is inflicted by another Alpha it takes a little longer. He backed off and we circled each other for a second. He snarled at me, and I could tell he was full wolf on the inside. If this fight got any more intense he would shift right here in the school. I could not let that happen. But if I didn't give control over to my wolf I would have no chance against Kameron with his sharpened senses, strength, and speed. I decided to try to reason with him.

"C'mon bro, this isn't what you want. Think this through Kam." I realized my mistake a second after I said it. This wasn't Kameron, this was Dominic.

"Crap." I whispered to myself.

"I am... not... Kameron, Nath-nath-an." Dominic wasn't used to speaking. He understood English because he conversed with Kameron the same way converses with me. But he only speaks it telepathically. When we shift our wolf gets most of the control, but the opposite is true when in human form. The balance is formed by the fact that our wolves are more powerful physically, but the human side is stronger mentally, and can dominate the wolf side when necessary.

"I'm sorry Dominic. Just calm down please. Be reasonable. I know you care for Alex." I was being slightly patronizing, but it's not very often that I get to talk him down.

"Shut up- just shut... up!" He lunged and we rolled around again, I finally had to give control over to my wolf so wouldn't kill me. I got in a few good hits, but so did Dominic. I heard an ear-piercing scream and both my and Kameron's head snapped up. I saw Alex with carrying a bunch of shopping bags. They fell from her hands as she slapped a hand over her mouth. I looked down and realized that both I and Kam were covered in blood. Our cuts weren't wide, but they were deep so they bled a lot. I saw Rebekah's eyes widen and she dropped her bags to grab Alex around the waist just as she fainted. Apparently the hybrid couldn't stand the smell of blood. Well that's ironic...


Thanks to all of you guys who waited. I know I lost a lot of followers, but I hope to get up in the ranks again. If you guys know any other people on Wattpad who might like this book please spread the word. If you want a shout out in the next chapter which should be Friday, but probably sooner, just send me a message. Stay awesome 

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