The Date

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Last chapter in Twin Mates: I look over my shoulder to see Kameron no where in sight. I was a fool to think he would sit there twiddling his thumbs while I made out with his brother. I look back up to Nathan and I see compassion in his eyes; he nods toward the door and I smile in gratitude. I head towards the door, and right before I leave I glance over my shoulder to see Nathan looking at me with a half smirk; only this time it's not cocky. He sends a little wink in my direction, but I can see the pain in his eyes, he knows that his brother is my mate as well, but it doesn't make it hurt any less to see your mate run off after kissing you to comfort some other man. I glance back at him one final time, noticing there is still blood on his shirt, and his lips are red and swollen; whether from kissing, getting punched in the face, or both I don't know. But one thing for sure, I have to look after his wounds. After I find Kameron and bring him back I'll treat both of their wounds. I walk out of the room, my head a mess. I can only have one, but how will my heart survive choosing? And if I take too long will I lose them both?


I didn’t have to look very far to find Kameron, he was slumped just outside the hospital on the front steps. He had his head in his hands, but his eyes weren’t closed, they were blankly staring off into space. He had an empty look on his face, like he had given up on everything, and that’s what really broke my heart. My first thought was that he didn’t want to even see me, let alone talk to me, but then I realized that that would have no purpose. I always hated the girls in my books who thought things like ‘he doesn’t like me’ or ‘he doesn’t want to talk to me’, and in my case I had a guarantee that he liked me. He was my mate, and if he hadn’t liked me not only would he have rejected me immediately, but he wouldn’t have reacted so strongly to me kissing Nathan.

           I walked over and quietly sat next to him, and after a few seconds of him not pushing me away I leaned my head on his shoulder. He turned his head towards me and pressed a kiss into my hair, letting it stay there. I could tell his eyes were closed, and he took a deep breath in, breathing in my scent. Now that might sound weird, but there has always been a comforting affect that went along with your mate. When my father had gotten mad when I was young I would see him grab my mother, pressing her back in to his chest and put his head into her neck. His breathing always slowed and it seemed to put things into perspective for him. He always made the best decisions when she was around. Only a mated wolf could take the throne, because around three generations back an unmated wolf had taken the throne. It was a dark time. He went mad; we later found out that his mate had died before they had even met. You know that feeling when some memory is right in the back of your mind, but you just can’t recall it? That’s what it felt like for him, but multiplied by ten. He would hear her laugh when it wasn’t there, or smell her scent lingering in his rooms, or dream of some faceless beautiful figure while he slept, all the while never knowing who it was. He knew it was his mate, but he could never meet her. He went so insane that he killed almost everyone in the castle when he finally snapped. His younger brother took the throne, and was a very good leader. Because Werewolves live very long lives he spent his entire life making up for the immense damage that his brother’s reign of 250 years. Werewolves need their mates. Always.

          This gave me somewhat of an epiphany; will I be allowed to rule without both mates? Will I go mad? If- no, when- I reject one of them, will they spend the rest of their lives without love? That would drive me mad. Oh, I am giving myself a migraine. I let myself relax into Kameron and release my worries for now. As if he could sense all tension leave my body, Kameron let out a sigh; his breath tickling my hair. He turned his head from my hair, resting his cheek on my head.   

“Are we going to say something? I’m perfectly happy just sitting here with you, of course. But we both know this can’t last forever, no matter how much I want it to.” Kameron pleaded. Although he said clearly that we needed to talk, and that this moment couldn’t last forever, I heard the silent plea to let it last just a little while longer.  

“Kameron… just be here with me for a little while.” I suppose he could hear the plea in my voice as well, and subtly nodded his head, and we just sat there. I wish this moment to last forever, but u was a princess, soon-to-be queen, hybrid, with two twin alpha mates. Could life be any more complicated? I heaved a heavy sigh, full of all of my worries.

          After a while I felt his head lift from mine and he lightly grabbed my chin and turn it towards him. I averted my eyes, hoping to postpone this for a moment longer.

“Alex” he whispered. His voice sounded so broken that my eyebrows pulled together and I turned my eyes to him. His eyes looked empty, and my heart broke.

“You already love Nathan. I can tell. I just want you to be happy, even if it means without me… Just know that I will always love you Alex, I know that we haven’t known each other for long… heck, most of the time I have spent with you was when we were in the hospital because me and… and Nathan made you faint. But I do love you Alex.” Kameron confessed. He thought I chose Nathan over him! No! I couldn’t chose, not yet! It might be selfish of me, but I needed more time.., think, Alex, think!

“Do you want to go on a date with me?” I asked quickly. I couldn’t tell him that I chose him over Nathan, but I needed to make him know that I wanted him too.

“Um, ok… yes! Definitely!” he was a little shocked at my offer at first, but almost shouted the last part.

“Where do you want to go?” I ask timidly. I had never asked a guy out before, and had no clue what I was doing.

“How about you let me plan, ok? After all, I already feel girly enough that you asked me out, isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?” His mood had changed so quickly, it was giving me whiplash. Oh well, I loved seeing him like this; so happy and carefree.

“Ok, that sounds amazing Kameron.” I said shyly. I looked up at him when I heard an animalistic growl.

“Say it again.” He ordered. I was confused for a moment, and he saw it on my face.

“My name, say it again.” He ordered, his mood changes continuing to throw me for a loop.

“Kameron” I whispered, while looking up into his eyes. While I had been looking down he had moved closer. He leaned down and I felt his hot breath fan across my face. He slowly, but forcefully pressed his lips against mine for only a moment before pulling away with a smirk similar to Nathan’s playing across his face, and in that moment their similarities shocked me.

“Let’s save that for our date, shall we?” He said as he turned to go back into the hospital, leaving me dazed. As he was about to walk through the doors with me still standing where he left me he turned around to say something.

“I’m sure you’re hotter than any nurses in that hospital, so why don’t you come and play nurse for me and Nathan. Although I don’t think Nathan will have any problems walking around with his shirt off in front of the nurses if you don’t want to.” The image of not only my two boys walking around shirtless, but of other women touching them while they’re shirtless have me sprinting through the doors into the hospital.


Soooooooo sorry for the slow update! I am hoping to update again soon. I was having a little trouble with how the plot was progressing, but I’ve got it all figured out! Yay! So what team are you? Team Nalex, or Kamlex? If you have any better ideas for that ship names tell me, I’m always bad at those. Stay awesome . PS over 118,000 reads! i love you all!

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