Don't Leave... Please?

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Kameron's POV:

We walked home that night with our heads hung low. . We tried and tried to find Alex, but after a while we lost her scent in the woods, but there was a small trace of magic in the air. We figured that there was a witch accompanying Alex on her travel who covered her scent so she couldn't be tracked. That reminds me, why was the princess posing as permitted rouge in our territory? She could be getting the royal treatment as out guest of honor. Why didn't she have any guards, beside the witch I mean? All these questions to ask Alex, and she wasn't even here. I punched a tree. Next to me Nathan jumped with a start.

"What are we going to do Nate? What if she doesn't come to school? What if she thinks we're going to turn her in, and she runs away!?!?" I'm near hyperventilating by now and I lean on a nearby tree. Nathan rushes over to me and grabs me under my armpits.

"Breathe Kam, just breathe. Where's your inhaler? You did bring it right?!" I laugh at the worry in his voice, but it comes out like a strangled gurgle. I point towards my back pocket with shaky hands. Still holding me up, he reaches into my pocket. It would be awkward if it was anyone other than him. He hands it to me, his hands shaking almost as bad as mine. I take a few puffs from my emergency inhaler, and as my breaths even out Nathan let's go of me and slides his back down the tree. I slide down next to him and just stare at him for a second.

"Thank you Nathan. I owe you one." I look ahead.

"No dude, you owe me like, twenty. I fucking saved your life." He sent a glare my way. Good to see this whole event hasn't affected his wondrous vocabulary. I smile at him, which I think was his goal.

"Well, I don't want to have to explain to my mate, the freaking princess, why I let her mate die from an asthma attack, so you don't owe me anything." He looks back towards the pack house, and then glances back at me.

"Can you walk back, or do I have to carry your fat ass?" Wow, he was cussing more than normal today. He used to cuss a lot more, he called them sentence-enhancers, (I swear he stole that from SpongeBob, but he still denies it to this day) but he grew out of that.

"What's wrong, you usually don't cuss this much, are you ok?" He glances back at me incredulously, and I can see his eyes darkening from anger.

Oh, crud.

"My brother could've died, my mate, who I share with said brother is, one- the princess, two- an illegal hybrid, three- she is MISSING! If that isn't enough reason to get angry, I don't know what is Kameron." He is really peeved. Man, of all the times to ask such a stupid question, it had to be now! I'm so dumb.

"I'm sorry man, I wasn't thinking straight. Can we just go home now? I'm tired bro." I plead. His gaze softens and he glances away from my face, towards the pack house.

"Yea, whatever, lets go." He mumbles. I feel a grin stretch from ear to ear, not only because Nathan isn't mad at me anymore, but also because tomorrow I get to see my beautiful mate Alex.


Alex's POV:

I groan and stretch in my bed, making baby dinosaur noises. I look up at the clock to see its half an hour to eight. Dang it! 'I don't have time to shower now!' I think sadly.

"Rebekah! Why didn't you wake me up! I only have half an hour now!" I screech down at her. I roll myself out of bed, but I'm still not used to only having a single bed, instead of my HUMONGEOUS bed back at the palace, so I end up falling on the floor with a loud thump. I can hear Rebekah laughing downstairs. It's not funny any longer because it's happened like seven times.

I lay on the floor facedown for a second, before groaning, and pulling myself off the floor. I pull on some skinny jeans, and a Big Bang Theory tee shirt. I run a brush through my hair and put on a little cover up to hide my under eye bags. I trench downstairs, but that turns into a sprint when I hear the sizzling of bacon. I skid around the corner, only to smell the all too familiar smell of tofu bacon. It's not real bacon. I almost cry. I shuffle into the kitchen to make myself some toast. I can feel Rebekah's eyes on my so I turn around.

"Don't you want any bacon little miss carnivore?" She asks bewildered.

"I don't want any of your filthy, disgusting, vegetarian, nasty, gross..." I would have continued muttering about how gross her tofu bacon was, and how it was an insult to pigs everywhere who had to share a name with that crud, but Rebekah cut me off with a light, chiming laugh. I paused to look over at her, curious to why she was laughing,

"The smell of tofu is covering the smell of the REAL bacon Al." she giggles. I run over, and scoop her small frame in a hug and spin her around.

"I love you becca, sooooooo much! You are such an amazing, spectacular, awesome,-" She cut me off. Again.

"PUT *laugh* ME *laugh* DOWN* laugh* ALEX!!!" she is laughing her head off at my crazy morning behavior. I didn't think she would make bacon for me. Something about the fact that it's a slaughtered animal and it was wrong, blah blah blah.

"Just eat your bacon crazy. " She says to me as she munches on her tofu. After about five minutes of eating bacon, and moaning how it was gods gift to man, we looked at the clock. It was five past eight. We were late for school.

"Shit!" My head shot around so fast it should have snapped my neck. I felt my eyes widen at hearing my tiny little animal-loving best friend curse. She looked almost as startled as I did, and slapped a hand over her mouth. She looked over to me, wide-eyed, to see if I heard her. When she saw my identical expression, we just stared at each other for a second. We then burst out laughing so hard I ended up on the floor, and Rebekah was crying. Every time one of us would calm down somewhat, the other would snort and the laughing would start again. It was a vicious cycle.

We ended up laughing for half an hour. I decided I was just going to ditch today. I really want to see Nathan and Kameron, but didn't want the drama that came with it.

"Well, we're late so we better hurry if we hope to get to class in time to pick up the homework." Becca sighs. I pout.

"Well, I'm not leaving, I'm gonna ditch today. You wanna come with?" I ask, trying to conceal my hope and act casual about the offer. She sees right through me though.

"Nah, I have a test today that I really don't feel like making up." She lies smoothly. Even if she wasn't assigned to be with me at all times she would have come anyways. A friend doesn't let a friend ditch by themselves. Dang it, she was gonna make me beg.

"Don't leave... please?" I begged. She just shrugged and started towards the door.

"I'm going to the mall becca; we can see the new One Direction movie together. I'll buy the tickets if you get the popcorn. Then we can go to the candy store and get fat together. Please?" For a tiny girl, she could put away gummy candy like no body's business. The new One Direction movie came out today, and a few months ago I converted her into a dirctioner.

She turned her head as if considering the possibility, but when she turned her head towards the door I knew I had to do better.

"I will buy the popcorn too!" I was desperate. She finally turned around with a big grin on her face.

"I'd love to come, you didn't have to grovel." She says with a smirk.

"Oh whatever, lets just go already." I shake my head at her then grab my wallet and purse. We'll go candy shopping first, then smuggle it into the theater, it's cheaper that way. We head out to the theater in Rebekah's blue jeep. It's time to wreak some havoc.

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