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Thanks for waiting guys. There was some stuff going on. anyways hope you enjoy. ummm.... oh yeah some of you were asking for action so... yeah. thanks for the comments. the vote was a landslide with-

option 1 (longer chapters/longer wait) - 19 votes

option 2 (same everything) - 81 votes

thanks again. you guys r amazing.


Nathan's POV:

"No! Alex, wait!" I heard my brother shout. It was too late though. A few seconds earlier I had snapped out of my fear induced state in time to hear the loud pop that meant that Alex had shifted into her wolf. My own wolf was still cowering in the dark recesses of my mind. After a few minutes of coaxing him out I finally looked up to see my brother pacing around the room. I stood up on shaky feet to walk over to him.

"What just happened?" I looked to the older twin for an explanation.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." He mumbled. I was never the thinking type, I was usually the one who messed up HIS plans. He was smarter, more respectful, and I just got in the way most of the time. I was that one kid who always heard 'why can't you be more like your brother?' It gets old after a while. So I became the better athlete, the playa, the bad boy in school. No matter how hard I tried though it was never enough was it?

No matter how hard I tried. We were evenly matched, but at the same time total opposites. I was exactly as popular as him, but he was class president. We had the same amount of friends, but his were the 4.0 Gpa goody-goodies and mine were delinquents. We broke the same amount of hearts, but he didn't know what he was doing when he flashed his pearly whites at the insecure little nerds, while I was doing it on purpose.

Being compared to your twin brother that often gave me a big temper with a small fuse. One time I was having some difficulty with math, he was that teacher's assistant, so he graded my papers. He came up to me asking if I wanted some help. I exploded on him. I was yelling, and he was trying to calm me down. He let me win the fight agreeing that he was in the wrong, when he was at no fault. He wanted to avoid a fight so he gave in. That day was the day when people started spreading the rumor that I was more alpha than him. I didn't stop it, and for some reason he didn't either.

One of the reasons I was so looking forward to meeting my mate was that I would finally be better than my brother in at least one person's opinion. But even that didn't go my way did it? But I'll be damned if I let her slip through my fingers and into my brother's arms. It's time to put my mibd to the job and figure out what had happened.

I tried to think, but the only thing I could think about was the red pupil that she had had. It was almost like the blood red color of a vampire's eye.

"Oh God, you're a genius Nate!" I heard a strangled gasp from Kam, my head shot up and I let out a small "wut?"

"You were thinking out loud bro," Well, that still didn't explain why I was a genius.

"and that makes me a genius how?" I voiced my thoughts aloud, momentarily distracted from the Alex situation.

"The vampire connection. What could possibly make a werewolf have an aura of power like that of a vampire, with mixed eyes? " I could tell that he had already figured out what was happening, and this was a rhetorical question.

For once I could feel the cogs in my brain moving like they should.

"Well, the only way that could happen was if the werewolf was a hybrid, and that's illegal, not to mention highly unlikely." Everyone knew about one in a million werewolves bit by vampires survived long enough to become a hybrid. The thought that the princess was a hybrid was laughable. Once a werewolf was bitten, they were put to death instantly, odds are they wouldn't survive anyways, but the chance that they could become a powerful hybrid was threatening enough to warrant an instant death sentence.

But, what else would explain Alex's red eyes and dark aura? There is nothing else. It doest matter that my mate is an illegal hybrid, I will protect her from every threat, even if one of the threats is my own brother, her mate. It would break her to lose a mate but I would be there to fix her. As these thought cut through my mind like razor blades I glanced to my brother to see if his loyalties lied with our mate or the law, hoping it was the first one. I didn't want to hurt him but if I had to, to protect my mate I would.

"Don't worry. I would never turn her in. I love her." He glanced over at me through his lashes, he had finally stopped pacing. Sometimes I swear he could read my mind. I could tell he meant what he said, and I also felt myself slowly falling for the little brown eyed girl.

"Well then Mr. Whipped, let's go find our scary little mate." I teased.

A grin came across his face, exposing his dimples.

You're right bro. Now that we got her, I'm never gonna let her go." With that we got up and started tracking Alex's distinctive scent of pomegranate and vanilla.


Rebekah's POV:

As I sat in the car next to Al I could sense the different emotions rolling off of her in waves. Guilt and sadness being the most prominent of the emotions. I don't want to pry, but I SO want to know what happened. My curiosity finally got the best of me.

"So Al, why were you lost in the forest? " I didn't look over at her and kept my eyes on the road, my eyebrows drawn together in concentration. I said it very nonchalantly, but I was worried about my best friend, and as her one and o ly guard I needed to know these things. But no matter what it came to, I wouldn't pull the 'guard' card. Ha, that rhymed, guard card. Getting off topic Rebekah. Grrr. Focusing...

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to." I say with a shrug. But I know Al can tell that I'm dying of curiosity over here. IM DYING!!!!

"Well, I found my mates." She says quietly to no one in particular, staring at the passing scenery out her window. Well, that was a little shocking to say the- wait, did she say MATES as in PLURAL?! More than one? How many did she have?! I bet she has like seven, or maybe like eight...

"I only have two mates Rebekah, not 'like seven, or maybe like eight.' That would be insane." She reasons. Damn it, she was listening in. I wonder if she still is...

"Yep babe, I am." She smirks. I glare at her, but internally I'm smiling because I got her to smile.

"I'm glad my internal babble entertains you Alexandria." I sniff, I tilt my head away from her, concentrating on the road. I glance over at her only to see her looking at me open mouthed, I never call her by her full name because I know she hates it. A small self satisfied smirk graces my face. The look on my face takes a turn for the more severe as I come to the conclusion that Al never told me what exactly had happened.

"Well, I met the boys, their names are Kameron and Nathan, when I met them I fainted. So they took me to the pack doctor's office. When I woke up we started talking, and this led to that and when they thrived to show dominance my, um, other side came out and scared then shitless. When I noticed that one of them had started to cry j went over to him to wipe it away, but he flinched away from me, I was so scared that they'd turn me in once they figured out what I am. Or worse, reject me. Both would be a death sentence to me Becca. I already love them so much Becca, I dont know if I can handle this." She was in tears by then.

"Calm down Crona, I will help you get through this. If they reject you or try to turn you in, they won't know what hit them, I promise." The soul eater reference brought a small smile to her face.

"No, we cant hurt them. No matter what happens we won't hurt them." I could tell she already loved them by how her voice trembled at the thought of her mates being hurt.

"Okay then Hun, we wont attack them, but we have a job to do at this pack, it ends in about a month, we have that long to convince them not to turn you in or reject you. K?" I reason.

"Yeah... lets do that." I could tell she was still worried, so I grabbed one of her hands and squeezed it, my eyes still on the road.

"It's okay Alex, it will all be okay." And for the first time I have said this, I believed myself.


Sorry for the long wait, but the next update should be within two days. Please comment. Thanks you guys. And AGAIN shout out to Shalaylabayla for an amazing cover. This chapter is for her. And try out her book 'Perfectly Imperfect' I read it and love the book. You will too. Thanks for reading :)

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