Wormtail's Birthday

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When Lily discovered she was pregnant, the Marauders became obsessed. Remus took up knitting and made knobbly hats, holey shoes and lopsided jumpers for the unborn baby. Sirius bought every book available on bringing up a child and devoted himself to the cause. James was constantly trying to do everything for Lily and, consequently, driving her demented. Peter paid for knitting needles and books. He told James whenever Lily was alone and filled in for him when James worked. He praised Remus' scarfs even when they fell apart I. His hands and came up with quizzes to give Sirius on how to look after a child. 5 months into Lily's pregnancy it was Peter's birthday. He woke up and James Apparated over - "Wormtail? I've gotta go in to work, today. Can you check in with Lily? Thanks Pete, you're the best! Gotta go!" - and Apparated out again. Lily sent him to Diagon Alley because she was craving Chocolate Frogs and they'd ran out. He brought himself a celebratory cupcake. Remus and Sirius came over at noon with presents - for the unborn baby. Peter had never felt so alone. Could anyone blame him when, a week later, the Death Eaters appeared and he offered information about the Marauders in return for his life?

A/N My most earnest apologies for not updating. There are a number of reasons which I won't go into but I am very sorry, hope you all like this update!!

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