I always thought love was shaped like a ♥ but its actually like a †

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The text: Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

The message: What an awesome reminder of how absolutly incredible our God is! I can't even begin to imagine he great love the Father has for me. Even while I am a filthy, rotten sinner, He loves me just the same. How awesome is that? That no matter what we ever do or say, He will never love us any less. He is the relentless lover. I love the image portrayed in the parable of the prodigal son. You have the younger son who completely dishonors His father and goes out and squanders all His inheritance. He parties, drinks too much, and loses everything. He winds up feeding pigs and eating pig slop. So he goes back to his father and begs him for forgivness. What does the Father do? He throws his pride aside and RUNS to the son. He embraces Him and rejoices over his return! I love this because it is such a great reminder for us of the Father. When we turn back to Him, He rejoices over our return. And no matter what He will never ever give up on us. He's just amazing like that. ♥

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