What does l♥ve look like?

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The text: 1 John 4:19 "We love because He first loved us."

The lyrics: Jamie Grace "Show Jesus"Your smile's always shinning out

And they know what it's all about

It's not hard for them to figure out

The way you show Jesus

You know love is what they heard

And you didn't even say a word

Ain't it funny that's the way it works

When you know Jesus

Oh it's like flipping on a light switch when you're walking into this room

It's so undeniable

I gotta tell you that I like the way

Any time anywhere any place

It's written all over your face

The way you love Jesus

And it always speaks to me

A little joy with a touch of peace

It's so inspiring

The way you show Jesus

So gimme that gimme that

And show me that show me that

Oh gimme that gimme that

The way you show Jesus

When I'm feeling down on my luck

When life's hard and times get tough

You're right there to pick me up

When you bring Jesus

Cause every now and then

We all need a really good friend

You're always one of them

When you show Jesus

And oh it's like flipping on a light switch when you're walking into this room

It's so unmistakable

I gotta tell you that I like the way

Any time anywhere any place

It's written all over your face

The way you love Jesus

And it always speaks to me

A little joy with a touch of peace

It's so inspiring

The way you show Jesus

So gimme that gimme that

And show me that show me that

Oh gimme that gimme that

The way you show Jesus

Oh it's like flipping on a light switch when you're walking into this room

You're so unmistakable

And oh show up any time of day you could never get here too soon

You're so unbelievable you're so unbelievable

Just gimme that gimme that

And show me that show me that

Oh gimme that gimme that

The way you show the way you show him

I gotta tell you that I'm liking the way

Any time anywhere any place

It's written all over your face

The way you love Jesus

And it always speaks to me

A little joy with a touch of peace

It's so inspiring

The way you show Jesus"

The message: The best proof of Jesus's love in your life is simply how you live. Maybe this means sitting with the kid who always sits alone, or writing encouragment notes to whoever God brings to mind, or simply smiling at that kid who looks sad in the hallway. After all is said and done, people won't necessarily remember all that you said, but rather how you lived. Live in such a way that His love reflects in all you say and do. ❥

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