My heart is Yours, O LORD

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The text: Psalm 9:10 "And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you."

The lyrics: "Let thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee... So here's my heart Lord, take and seal it. Seal it for thy courts above."

The message: As girls, we all desire to be loved. It's just the way God made us. But often times girls believe that if they don't have a boyfriend or that there aren't any guys that like her, that she is worthless. Many girls constantly seek out relationships and give their hearts away longing for love, only to get their hearts broken over and over again. I have witnessed first hand the pain girls feel when their hearts are constantly broken, but it doesn't have to be this way. God designed us to love and to be loved in return. But as sinful people, the love we have to offer will never satisfy that longing in our hearts. It's only Jesus who can truly love us with a love that is unfailing to fill that God-sized void in our hearts. Think of it this way. Your heart is a beautiful garden filled with gorgeous flowers and sweet smelling fragrances. You don't want a bunch of animals running through your garden and ruining all the beautiful flowers do you? So in order to protect such a precious treasure from those wishing to destroy the garden, a huge wall was placed around it with a giant lock on the door. When I surrendered my heart, my whole heart, with everything I was and everything I will be into His hands, I gave Him the key to my heart. It's His, forever and ever to come into my heart and prune it to make me more like Him. Someday, in His timing, God will allow a man to join Him in my heart's garden but until then, my heart is closely guarded. Even though the wait may be long and hard, it is so worth it to finally be able to "hand" the key to my heart to the man that God has picked out for me in the beginning of time, without worrying that the key will be lost or broken or rusted, but rather fresh and new, without blemish. To all the lonely girls out there longing for love, you are loved more than you can ever know by a man who died to save you. He loves you that much. Give your heart over to Him and allow Him to direct your future. He will never, ever fail you.💕

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