Used for Nothing

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Used for Nothing- Chapter 1

Today was the day. The day I turned 18. Normally, you would find your mate, at the age of 16 but some were unfortunate. An example of, me, I waited for two years to find my mate. Hoping that one day, I would meet him. Though, I've known everybody for five years, it was my final year here as a senior. Oh, by the way, I'm Rose Carter. Daughter of Luna Susan and daughter of Alpha James. My dad is the leader of both packs, The Nightwalker pack and Wind-wider Pack.

Both, however, have the same strength and are the most powerful pack. What's more interesting is.... No other pack can out run them. They have the best fighters,defenders, attackers, trackers.

I'm quite known in my pack, well both packs. As you know, I turning 18 this year. Exciting as it may sound, I'm not really looking forward to it. After all, I'm just an average girl who gets straight 'A's since Middle school. Continuing on that topic, I'm the only girl in the whole school who gets a scholarship.

Walking down the hallway is always something interesting. Hearing all the latest gossip, all the drama happenning in friendships and relationships. All the kisses, surprises and smiles in this same hallway, the laughter echoing in the doors of each classroom.

Lockerooms were sometimes the worst or sometimes the best. Either because of some punch fights or some verbal fights. Either still take the People's Choice Award, yet today was just a normal day like anyother in highschool. All that happened here, were just hot make-out sessions, along with closet... Movements.

Closing my locker, slowly and quietly, I walked off, careful not to bother any couples or just one-day/night stands. I walked down the hallway with my head in the clouds, dreaming about my soulmate. My true love. Just the thought, of his warm hands touching mine, made me want to squeal, the thought of his heart beating with mine made me melt. Maybe on some nights, when I can't sleep, he would make me feel better, wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling his head in to my neck.

That thought, made my wolf howl with agreement and love.

Then again, what if he rejects me? I don't think I can ever feel the same again. I don't think I will be good enough for anyone, not even for myself. I know that its pretty deep, but its the truth. That's what you feel once your mate rejects you.


Tingles was one word to describe that bump. It was like I was alive from the dead or something. Dramatic, I know, but truth be told by your eyes and heart. One blink was all it took, for me to snap back in to realtiy, noticing that my books fell to the floor with a loud clash, my papers and assignment sheets, flying in mid-air, going everywhere and anywhere.

People walking over the papers, made my eyes widen with surprise and panic, "Look, miss, I'm sorry but you have to watch where your goin-" his voice was mixed with deep and hoarse, like he was rushed. He stopped mid-sentance, making me look around curiously. What? Meeting his gaze, my heart thumped faster, the warmth spread thoughout my whole body, his gaze still locked on mine, as he glanced down at my lips, a shiver erupting through my body.

His blonde-brownish hair stuck our of his dark hoodie, his eyes stood out in the darkness. His eyes glowing, bright yellow in the midst of the dark. His necklace tag haning as he was still in a crouched position, few centimeters away. His jeans wrapped around his legs loosely, as he stood up, stumbling as he did so.

"This Can't be", He whispered. Those three words bringing down my whole world, bringing my hopes and dreams with it. I stared at him a little longer, before hearing him with the slightest answer- "I, Connor Perez, reject my mate, I'm sorry". With those painful words, my heart broke down in to two and with those words he walked away. Leaving me on the ground, in pain and surprise. From all the hurt, I didn't even notice that he said sorry. It didn't matter anymore. He didn't matter anymore.

Oh how, I wish it was that easy. I'm not even sure if the rejection hurt more than the fact that he didn't even know my name?

Without thinking, I stood up, leaving the papers and books on the floor, untouched. I walked away, ditching school, not bothering to look back, letting the tears escape my eyes. I guess, this is the feeling of being Used for Nothing.

School grades didn't effect me anymore. Walking on to the gates of the school, I hesitated before not caring. This, is how its going to be. Hurt lingered in my heart and body. just the thought of him hurt. Connor. Walking in to the woods, I sat on a abandoned rock, bringing my knees to my chest, trying to calm the hurt. Trying to calm my wolf.

That was his name. That name that had my heart fluttering with joy, love and anticipation. The name that has butterflies fluttering around me, making me smile. Yet bringing the weights of rejection back.

"What are you doing here?" A voice yelled from behind me, knowing who it is, I sat still. His arms wrapping around mine as we hugged, my head leaning on his wet shoulder. With him whispering soothing things in my ear. "James, did fate have to be so harsh?" I asked, my voice trying to stay strong yet failing.

He looked down at me, before looking in to the distance, "No" Was his simple reply, making me cry harder. Why me? "Shh, baby girl, its okay, I promise it will be better" He replied, rubbing my back, as I cried.


That one sound, made me flinch as well as look up, my tired and red eyes looking around us, looking for a wolf or human to come out of the trees but nothing happened. Just, quiet silence, as we talked and laughed.

Is it weird to miss the one person you are supposed to hate?


Hey guys! Welcome to Used For Nothing! :) I'm sorry for the next chapter, because I'm still editing this book... Soooo... Yeah!

XD Anyways! Enjoy this book guys!





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