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Five Years Later...

It wasn't until a year after the whole drama, Connor proposed to Rose. No matter how many years it had been, Rose still couldn't comprehend the amount of Love Connor gave her, everyday. She mostly stayed at home but if she wasn't, she'd be on the otherside of the world helping neighbouring packs or packs being attacked.

Their story went world-wide. People knew who they were- 'they' being: Connor, Rose, Seth, Cameron, Scarlett- Some feared them, some admired and some just saw them as a hope.

That never bothered any of them. They had their own family, to care about. After two years of searching, Seth finally found his one and only. Who in-fact, are taking slow steps in their relationsip. Though she was human, it never changed Seth's mind or thought on his love for her.

Cameron also found his mate, a month later after everything happened. They instantly fell in-love, though, Cameron made a few mistakes here and there, her love for him never died. Now, they have a beautiful daughter who;s birthday was coming up.

As for Scarlett?

Well, her mate just turned out to be the school's geek. Though that was unexpected, everyone welcome him with welcome arms- Especially Scarlett. In-fact everyone thought he was adorable, cute even. He turned out to be quite the opposite to was Scarlett had thought- he was respectful and very much a gentleman yet still being faithful to his girlfriend. Over the years, their relationship only became stronger, with-in each minute passing. No matter where they went, they would never leave each other's side.

Connor and Rose had their wedding at the end of the year, not long after that- Twins were born. One boy and one girl. The boy being the eldest by three minutes. Though, Rose never believed in happy endings, she just happened to recieve her own.

Her own happily ever after.

After she thought- she was used for nothing.


I would like to thank you all for reading this book. I will be making A WHOLE HEAP OF EDITS gosh, me and my eleven year old self *cringe* ANYWAYS I love you all, don't forget to check out my other books and... *cries before hugging each one of you* I LOVE YOU! Though it had taken this book two whole years to finish, I will never forget all of your support. So THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!

For the one last time, don't forget to vote, comment and follow for more of my (better) books.

*Hands out icecream to all of you* TAKE A BREAK Y'ALL! <3 XX

- Ella xx

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