Chapter 32- Ready or Not?

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HEY GUYS! Welcome back to this book.. :) HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT! I'm so sorry for the late update, but I just wanted it to be long..since most of my chapters are so short. :-I SO TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU GUYS..I'M MAKING IT LONNGG!! :D HOPE YOU ENJOY IT....


 My voice came out as a whisper but I was pretty sure they heard it. Silence surrounded the kitchen, as I thought of a way for all of us to go and get her. 'I doubt she will even let us take her. Let alone with three other people', my wolf answered. I mentally nodded, I pushed myself off the kitchen bench and walked out of the room, all of the boys, following, taking a seat on one of the chairs, my hands shaking. My brain on panic mode. 

I watched as the boys, took a seat, Connor on my left, Seth on my right and poor Cameron on the floor in-front of me. I noticed the small pout on his mouth, making me smile a little. 

"Who's Scarlett?" Connor's question cut through the air as if it was a pin and it was being dropped to the ground. I lifted my head and stared at him, before looking at each of the boys, looking for some kind of sign in their eyes, a sign saying they remember. Nothing. 

"My sister" I answered simply, before standing up and leaving the room. I don't care about what they think. I have a sister, to get and I was determined. No one messes with me, when I'm determined. I got my suitcase out and started packing, suddenly hearing footsteps, I turned around and found all of the boys, standing by the door giving me a confused look. 

"Scarlett is my sister. Younger sister. Seth and Cameron, she's our family in blood, problem is..uhm..she lives two or maybe three towns down. I actually don't remember, but we have to get her. I need scarlett to be here!" I said, covering my face with my hands, panic and stress filling my head. 

"Shhhh...its okay." I heard a smooth voice whisper in my ear, instantly calm my wolf and I. "Wait, you mean Scarlett? Scarlett Jones?The Scarlett Jones?" Cameron asked, pointing a finger at me. I stared at him, tilting my head a little to the side. "The brunette?" That one question instantly made me know who he was talking about. 

I nodded, he looked surprised. "Sis..-chuckle- she's..uhm how do you say this? She's like a bad-ass." 'No wonder' Another voice butted in. 

"I know. But how do you know her?" I asked, him cautiously. All eyes were on him, he stared at each one of us, longingly. "uhm...'' He said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. An idea popped in my head- 

"You didn't bang her..did you?" I blurted instantly. All eyes snapped to me, both Seth's and Connor's eyes widened before looking back at Cameron. His eyes also widened but shook his head. "What then Cam?" I begged, desperate. 

"Well, you see...since she's a bad-ass..she..I'm..uh..-" I cut him off, "Spit it out Cam!" I exclaimed. "I'm part of her gang. There I said it, happy?!" He yelled. 

I looked at Seth and Connor seeing them with the same expression as me- The idiot. I walked towards him, bringing a hand up and slapping him on the head. "You idiot! I thought she was doing drugs or drinking alcohol! I expected it to be something worse but instead you say "I'm part of her gang" That freaking isn't a big thing!" I yelled, rolling my eyes, hearing chuckles behind me. 

"oh" Was all I got from Cameron. 

Yep, 'oh'. 

I stared at him before going back to packing. Noticing the eyes on me, I stopped. "You two" I pointed to Cam and Seth, "Get packing", then I turned to Connor, "Stop eyes raping me" I said before going back to packing. Suddenly, I felt arms snake around my waist, hot breath fanning my neck. 

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