Chapter 29- Secrets Vs Truth

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Chapter 29- Secrets Vs Truth


I sat in my car, waiting for my phone to ring. I let out a frustrating growl, as I waited for another fifteen minutes. I turned the ignition on, driving towards their house. Once, I entered their house, I let out an angered knock.

"Sir?" I turned to my left to find..Caleb? I nodded at him, he gave me a head gesture. Meaning, me following him. We went to the side of the mansion, Caleb placed a hand on the wall, the wall started to move. My eyes widened in surprise, yet followed Caleb. We entered the dark hole, unaware of what was happening, I asked.

"Caleb, where are we?" He turned and faced me. "Sir, we are under the mansion grounds" He said in a slight accent, making me nod. I continued to follow him, before we stopped at a door. With him still leading the way, we stopped for a while.

"Sir...Mr Perez is here to talk to you", With that, he bowed to 'him' before walking away. I stood in the dark room, with only a small amount of light showing. It was dark, until, someone flicked the lights on. The whole room..was just plain..beautiful.

"What do you want, Perez?" He asked. I gave him a serious look. "What's wrong with Rose, Mr Carter?" I asked. Rose's Dad, sighed, before answering. "She has a destined fight. She has to fight for her kingdom.", I gave him a 'Are you serious' look. He only gave me a poker face before staning up from his position.

"This isn't a fairy tale" I stated. He gave me a look, before stating- "This is reality boy. My daughter, needs her mate there. Though, I guess you know whats going to happen.", His head was lowered. He looked at me with sympathy. Which, may I add, Made me look weak. I hated it.

"What are you talking about?" He didn't answer. Instead...I was sent out.

So much for answers...

I got into my bar once more, before driving back to Roses' Brother's house. I parked my car, in to the driveway.


I grabbed Cameron by the ear and dragged him downstairs. Occasionally, he would groan and whine but I didn't care..'cause now, he had to eat..something I would make. No matter if it was cooked..or rare.

I smirked at him, and made him sit in a stool, his eyes watching me with nothing but fear. Yep, a boy who is around twenty-one to twenty-two, is scared of an eighteen year old. much for being a man. I mentally winked.

"W-What..What are you doing?", Cameron looked at me, fear evident in his eyes. I was about to answer but was cut off by the door opening. Making a jingling sound, making me and Cameron alert.

"Rose, I want you to go upstairs and hide. Hide under your bed...or even the closet. Anywhere. Don't come downstairs until I come up there. You get me? I want you to lock the door, as soon as you get in your room. Ok?", He whispered, my breathing was rigid and fast. I was panicking, but most likely I was scarred. Not about me, but about my brother.

I watched as Cameron moved towards the door. He motioned for me to go upstairs, keeping his eyes on the door. I quickly ran up to him, and engulfed him in a tight hug. I felt him leave a kiss on my forehead, before pulling away and pointing towards the stairs.

I looked at him once more, before running quietly up the stairs, hoping Cameron won't get hurt. I ran to my room, and locked it. I kept my hands on the lock, trembling. I turned around, my back facing the door. I listened as a few bangs and yells were heard. My heart beat increased.

My hands began to sweat, my legs feeling weak. I looked at my hands and saw that they were shaking. I looked around the room, looking for my phone.

There it was. My phone. It laid there, on my desk. My eyes widened before running towards it, though, what I didn't notice was that everything was silent.

I froze for a moment, before running towards my phone and clasping it in my hands. I went through my contacts and looked for Seth's number. I was running out of time, footsteps echoed across the hallway. The 'person' stopped In-front of my room, trying to open my door.

I tried dialing Connors number but it only went to voice-mail. Ugh! Come on Connor!

The door burst open, I froze. My eyes widening, my hands shaking uncontrollably. My heart beating at an unusual beat. I slowly lifted my head an stared right back at Connor. I felt like the whole world has gone blurry. I stared at him, like he was some hero. Me and him, just stared at each other.

"Rose, I need to talk to you", Connor said, looking at me. His eyes full of curiousness and...hurt?

I slowly walked towards him, my eyes not breaking our contact. "What?", I whispered. He lowered his gaze and stared at me.

"I know", He stated. I rose an eye-brow. "What do you mean?", I asked, my eyebrows furrowed."I know your power. Your Destiny. Everything, Rose. Why didn't you tell me? Why? Was I not trust worthy enough?" Connor said as he turned around, his back facing me, breaking our eye-contact.

"C-Connor, I-I...I only kept it a secret for a reason", I whispered, walking towards my bed. I sat down, no one talking. Both of us silent, as night. I stared at his back, watching, as it lifted before dropping slowly. "Connor, I'm sorry...I was just scared", I whispered, in hopes he didn't hear it. BUt he did. 

He turned around and faced me, he slowly walked towards me. I slowly made eye contact with him, he brought a hand to my waist and left it there for a second. Before cupping my cheek, in his large, warm and comfortable hands. We stayed like that for another minute or so, before he engulfed me in a tight hug. 

"I know. I know. But Rose, you have to trust me this time, no more hiding. We're mates, we are meant to be together. We are destined to be with each other for eternity.", he stated, dropping his hand and wrapping both arms around my small waist. I ignored the sparks, flowing threw my whole body. 

"We stick together. Destiny or not, we will get through this...", He paused for a moment, before saying three words, nine letters and three syllables. 

"Rose, I love you", I lifted my head, and looked at him. His eyes only showing love and honesty, I wrapped an arm around his neck and letting the other snake, towards his hair. I didn't hesistate to lean in, capturing his lips with mine. I felt the familiar warmth, the sparks igniting everywhere. His soft lips, molded with mine, as we moved slowly. It wasn't a heated kiss...mostly, a sweet kiss. Nothing else. The sweet kiss made me forget about all of our problems, making it easier for me to focus on just one thing- Us. 

I pulled away, smiling. I stared at him again, leaning before whispering- 

"I love you too"

And that was what happened. That was what I would call..magical. All we did that afternoon, was kiss occasionally, every now and then, joke around and basically have our own time together. Oh, I nearly forgot about Cameron, of right now..My mate and I needed to bond. 


Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter so far! :) THIS CHAPTER WAS EDITED! :D

Next update: 21st And 22nd Of December






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