Chapter 6- Life Ain't fair

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Chapter 6- Life Ain't Fair        


I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. Wondering about my life as teenage girl, who has an Alpha mate. Though, my dad himself is an Alpha, I can't help but wonder- If my parents will actually agree to this. Though, they know both of the Perez boys, they have always wanted me to mate with man 'worthy of an Alpha's daughter'. Whatever that meant..? 

I wasn't able to sleep, with Connor on my mind. With what happened right at the moment I came home... It got pretty messy straight away. 


Gripping the metal handle, I turned around waving slightly at Connor, who just blew me a good-night kiss. Resulting me, to roll my eyes before turning back but however before I can push the door open, there stood both of my parents. 

My mum with a hint of anger and worry swimming around in the midst of her eyes. While my dad, glared at Connor who may I say, drove faster than I ever thought he could. Making a small chuckle erupt from my chest... but that changed when my dad changed his glare towards me. His eyes going in to small slits making me cringe. 

"H-hey mum, dad!" I said, shakily stuttering. Attempting to make their mood change but nope. All they did was remain silent. My hands began to get colder within each second passing. 

"uhm...C-can, I go i-inside?" I asked lowering my head from my dad's angry state. While my mum moved back, to create some sort of path, I gladly took it. Wiping of my shoes at the door-mat before stepping in. Dropping my bag to the floor and hanging my coat. Silence just started to take over... well besides our other pack members who have been joking around in the living room. And the others who are in the back...

"Where have you been?! Do you not know what time it is?! Who was that man! I swear Rose, if you get pregnant, with another man's child, Don't you dare come running to me!" Roared my mum. Fear struck me, before the pain in my right ear became in-bearable. My mum dragged me upstairs, mumbling her anger and not letting me say a word. Scared that she might blow up again. 

Pack members passing knew not to notice this, otherwise they will be in big trouble with my mum and dad. Once we both reached  my room, my mum let go of my ear. Finally. 

"Who was that man?" She asked, rather calmly. 

Looking at me, she crossed her arms. Waiting for an answer, which just happened to be- "My ear hurts" I whined, clutching my ear with both of my hands. All the response my mum gave was a roll in the eyes. The classic move. Am I right? 

"He's my mate" I finally responded. After that, I looked up at my mother, who was in deep shock and surprise. Before happiness filt her face. 

"My baby is finally growing up!! We Have to throw a party! We have to tell your dad! We have to- WAIT! Who is it?" My mum asked, squealing while jumping up and down like a 'my best-friend'. 

End Of Flashback

After that, somehow my whole pack became to congratulate me. Mostly the adults and most of the elders. Though, it honestly felt like, my mum just told my pack I had my period for the first time. It was so embarrassing. While dinner especially my mum told my dad who just became surprised but kept quiet. 

Right after dinner, I decided to say- Night to everyone. And so I did. And that is my current spot. Laying here, tossing and turning, wondering about School and Connor. 


I drove home, dropping my bag in the living room. Taking my shoes off while rushing to my bed-room. Opening the door, I smelt another scent in my room. It wasn't Connor's nor Rose's. It was my parents either but...

It smelt foul. Rogues. 

Not only one was in my room, in-fact two. Yes, wolf senses were that strong. I flicked the lights on, surprised that one lay in my perfectly groomed bad while the other walked towards me, with a machete in hand. Uh-oh. 

"What do you want?" I asked firmly and strict.

"Someone, who you need to stop seeing..." The man said. 

"Why would I do that?" I asked, smirking at the man. 

"Cause I can damage you whole life!" He roared, pushing me lightly. 

"Coming from a homeless and useless rogues!" I yelled back, swinging at the rogues. Punching him in the nose and jawline, receiving an 'ow' from him. looking down at him, I decided to knock him out kicking him in the crotch and stomach. The other rogues stared at me in horror which soon turned in to anger. Stupid rouges. However, before I can advance towards him, he took out a gun from behind and aimed it at me. 

"Move and I'll shoot" He warned. 

"you wouldn't.." I began to trail off. 

"Don't test me boy" the man warned. I knew he didn't have the guts to shoot a beta. He didn't even move. He was frozen. More like clueless actually. His body was still but his eyes held an unsure look. which, to my eyes gave it away. 

I advanced towards him at such speed he didn't even notice the gun was in my hands until I aimed it as his head. "Why are you here?" I asked in a deadly tone. Curious to his visit. 

'DON'T SHOOT! PLEASE!" he begged. Going on his knees, pleading me. Though, it was actually sad how this person who had sent them, didn't know that the men who were 'supposed to do their jobs' didn't even complete it. 

"I asked you a question! answer it!" I boomed. 

"Okay-okay! We Were ordered to otherwise our children will be killed!" He answered crying. His shoulders slouched. And his hands covering his eyes. Silence. I almost felt sorry for the guy... Almost. 

"You know what?" I asked tilting my head to the right. He looked up, his eyes glossy in the night. "what?" He asked cluelessly. 

"Your a good liar" I stated, making those 'tsk tsk tsk' noises. "But you don't fool me". With that said- Bang! Bang! 

He lay still. Dead. 

Hey guys! this is the edited version of chapter 6! Yay! Finally right? Anyways.. 





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