Chapter 28- The truth

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Chapter 28- The truth

I stared at my reflection, unable to say anything. One thing running my mind- I have wings. The pit of my stomach growing with, anxious feelings. My head started to fill with questions, needing to be answered. I looked at my fingers, examining all of them while lost in thought. I lifted my head, looking directly at my eyes, noticing that they were changing colour. From their emerald colour to a sky blue. I smiled at my reflection, feeling...perfect. 

I walked back in my room and plopped down on my bed, thinking about my wings. I turned my head slightly, yearning for a touch of my wing. My shoulder, brushed alongside a strong, bony and fine feather. I reached out my right hand, and touched it. Outlining, the wings' form. It was soft under my touch, it was bony too but that didn't make it look any different. In-fact, it made it look, stronger...truly, my wings looked..beautiful. I'm not flattering myself, but they were the truth. 

I stopped for a second, my head swiveling towards the door, my heart beat increased within each second passing. The footsteps, came closer and closer towards my door. My breath hitched, in my throat. I looked around the room, looking for something to defend with. I mentally had a ticking clock in my head.




"Hey, are you-" I cut the intruder off of his sentence. I jumped out of the darkness, bringing my right arm in front of me, making contact with the skin on his neck. I slammed him on the concreted wall, hearing a pained groan come out of his mouth. My eyes went into slits, eyeing him. Weakling. His face was covered with darkness, only then did I realize how late it was. 

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice confident yet scared. His voice was in slight pain. I looked down at his useless body. The man lifted his gaze, meeting my fierce one. "I-it's C-Cameron" He stated, stuttering. Sudden flashes came rushing into my head, hitting my hard. I winced at the pain, my eyes widened in surprise. I stared at my groaning brother.  Oops. 

"Cam, I-I'm so sorry...I didn't recognize you. I'm so sorry" I apologized, helping him off the carpeted ground. He gave me a "are you serious?" look. I shrugged, still remembering I had wings, I blinked rapidly. He must've caught on, smiling at me.

"Close you eyes and say Angelious" He stated, laying on my bed, looking at me. He brought his arms to his head, sighing in content. I rolled my eyes at him, nonetheless doing so. 

I closed my eyes, mumbling the word, I had heard minutes ago. It felt like the weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I sighed, opening my eyes. Meeting my brothers smiling and happy gaze. 

"What?" I asked confused. He shook his head smiling like some retarded pervert. I rolled my  eyes, walking towards him. Giving him a punch..a soft punch. He stuck out his tongue at me, recieving a slap on his arm from me. He pushed me slightly, enough to make me fall on my butt, watching as he stumbled to stand on his two left feet, laughing before running out of my room. "CAMERON AIDEN CARTER! COME BACK HEAR!" I yelled laughing as I did so. 

I pracitcally ran down the stairs. No joke.

 Once I reached the last step, I stopped walking...changing "my stealth mode" in to a higher grade...tip toe. I quietly and sneakily made my way around the bottom floor, eyeing every little thing, that catches my eye. I hear deep voices talking in the room next door, I place my ear on the door, listening quietly. 

"She's gonna kill me Seth! Please just hide me!" I heard Cameron beg. I had to stiffle a laugh. I heard a deep chuckle from Seth, signaling he thought the same thing. "How bout...No?" He asked, I could practically see him smirking. 

"Ugh! For the love of Saint Nick's! Just help me!" I heard Cameron desperately beg. I heard a few shuffling before everything went silent...too slient. Wow...ain't that sentence cliche? 

I busted in to the room, noticing..that there was no one there. Odd. I heard strange noises in the cupboard in a corner, though the room was dark, I was able to see it slightly open. I reached out a hand, gripping the cold, metal handle. My heart beated faster, than ever. "What if" questions started to pop into my head..

Then the most dreadful thing happened. 

I was attacked. By a rogue. 

For those of you who don't know what a rogue is-

a rogue is a werewolf, who was banished, a runaway or simply in "our" terms..a hobo, only werewolf. not to be efensive of anything. 

It was obviously, a "she" wolf. She attacked my left arm, making me cry out in pain. I screamed as her wolf started to suck on my blood. Is that possible? I breathed in deeply, kicking and screaming, eager for a weapon. I looked around the whole room, for a weapon. Nothing. This room was defenseless. I looked around and saw, a shinning object with a point. I felt hope rise within me, my felt weightless, I looked down to find blood surrounding me...

My body, gone. My head and arm the only things left.

I'm totally kidding. Nothing happened. Just Cameron in a closet, hugging a teddy-bear. A reminder to all you single-ladies, he's in his late twenties. I mentally winked at that. He was huddled along with the teddy-bear in to the corner. I laughed at his face when he saw me. 



 Next Update: 14th and 15th of December






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