Chapter 33- I have My Reasons

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HEY GUYS!! :) So..I hope you guys have enjoyed this book so far. I'm really sorry, if it sucks. :-/ I'm trying to improve it. the end of this chapter, there will be an interview with the Characters! So, stay in-tune as we interview, Connor Perez, Rose Carter, Seth Carter, Cameron Carter and of course, Scarlett Carter. :)



"Your stupid!"

"No I''m not! You are!"

''Both of you are!'', Another voice injected.


"You douche-bag! How can you do that!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"Look at my shirt! Thanks for that you idiot!!"

"I said I'm sorry!"

Me and Connor, looked at each other, before rolling our eyes. We were still driving, all of us cramped in to tight spaces. We all decided to drive towards a diner, far away, on the outskirts of town.

'When will they shut up?!' my wolf whined. I could picture her, covering her ears. Currently, Seth and Scarlett, were arguing. They have been, for the past hour, for the first fifteen minutes me and Connor found it humorous but now, its just damn annoying.

'I don't know, but I do have a plan' . "Hey Scar!" I called out, turning around to see her fist centimeters away from Seth's face. She froze, turning towards me, before sending me a scowl.

I brushed it off, gesturing her to lean in, giving me a curious look, she did. My hand reached out, and slapped her on the back of her head. An instant 'Ow!' echoed throughout the car. I heard Cameron, chuckle, while Seth, pointed at her laughing.

My eyes immediately snapped towards him, my eyes staying at Seth. I flashed him a smile, a mischievous one. My pearly whites, flashing in his direction. I saw his adam's apple, bob up and down, his eyes not scared to show fear.

I gave a low chuckle, before gesturing for him to come close, waiting when he sat still, I turned around and grabbed a packet of Snakes. Turning around again, I held them in-front of me, knowing his 'food weakness'. He stared at me, wide-eyed, his hands reaching out to grab it.

When in reach I slapped the back of his head too. He groaned, snatching the packet off of me. I rolled my eyes and stared at each of them. Waiting for something between them to happen. Nothing, good.

Sighing happily, I turned around, resting my head against the head rest. Enjoying the silence, when-

"Ha! Slapped in the head! SHAME! Ahahaha!" Cameron exclaimed. My right eye twitched in annoyance before turning around and glaring at Cameron.

"Shut up! Everyone shut up! No one talk!" I exclaimed in anger. I looked at everyone, pointing before sighing and turning around to face the front. When I started to panic. I felt a hand wrapping around my own, I faced Connor, who had his eyes concentrated on the road. I smiled, moving towards him before kissing him on the cheek.

A single spark, igniting on his cheek. I didn't even notice that, Cameron, Seth and Scarlett were making kissy faces. Teasing me about Connor. I glared at Cameron, simply because he started it.

"Oh Connor, I love you! Kiss me!" Cameron tried to mimic me but failed miserably. I rolled my eyes hearing the chuckles of everyone in the car. I noticed that Connor stared at me, two things showing in his eyes.

Love and Adoration.

I smiled at him, my cheeks burning hot. A chorus of laughter echoed behind us, luckily, a bottle of raspberry juice, lay at the bottom of my feet. A smirk made its way on my lips, my eyes snapping towards Connor, waiting for his permission. He nodded, mirroring my smirk.

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