Chapter 4- Choices

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Chapter 4- Choices


I continued my lonely walk towards the cafeteria, head down, hands deep in my pockets. I ignored, desperate cheerleaders, who attempted to flirt with me. Some girls either giggled, batted their eye-lashes, gave a flirty wave or just down-right flirted. 

I pushed through each one of them, not in the mood to flirt or talk. Finally reaching the cafeteria doors, I held on to the 'push' bar and doing as said, I pushed down. Pushing the doors open and wide enough for me to walk through them. All I needed right now, was my mate. My beautiful, care-free mate. 

Everyone went silent, as I strode through tables, some giving me greetings while some gave me - 'I-don't-care' looks. I silently, grabbed a tray and started placing pieces of food on my tray, soon enough, everyone realized I wasn't in the mood for talking nor 'hanging out'. Not anytime soon, anyways. Once finished, I picked up my tray and walked towards the only deserted table.  Setting down my tray on the wooden table, I quietly shrugged off my bag-strip, letting it drop to the floor with a bang

Ignoring James' glare, I sat down, not making eye-contact with anyone or anything. Her heat radiating towards my body, making my insides melt, like never before. Her eyes piercing on the side of my face, the urge to grab and kiss her became stronger and stronger, within each passing minute. 

I heard her muutter to herself, though thanks to my wolf hearing, I heard it loud and clear. "Stupid ass mate", her words rolling off her lips gracefully and softly, keeping me in a hypnotizing gaze. Her breathing became indrawn, as she quickly breathed in. Moving closer to her while keeping my eyes glued or stuck on her, made her freeze. As if she just realized something, she shuffled away, awkwardly.

Making a smirk itch its way on to my lips. Trapping her, as she reached the end, I leant in towards her ear, breathing lightly. Taking in her scent, drove my wolf in to a frenzy. Taking in her scent made me want to faint and let her catch me. I wanted to be her perfect mate.

"Mate... Careful, we don't want you falling off the bench, now do we?" I whispered, wrapping an arm around her waist, as I watched her cheeks flare with colours of red. Or even dark pink. It was amusing, I admit but it was mostly cute.

Realizing, I was teasing her, she pushed me back slightly, holding on to my hand which still lay wrapped aorund her waist. Like a snake wrapping itself around its prey, though more... gentle. The familiar sparks began to touch my skin, making me smile as my wolf mentally jumped up and down at the feeling, only to have my hand be placed on my lap.  

'Huh, rejected bro?' A voice asked through our mind-link. Shifting my gaze towards a hungry James, I answered back- 'Yeah..' I trailed. though, knowing my brother, he would continiously ask until he was satisfied with the answer. 

'I need the truth. Not a damn lie', He growled back. Making me raise both my eye-brows at him. Before shrugging it off, blocking him out, I turned back to my beautiful princess, as I watched her eat and text furiously. 

Who was she texting? Her mum? Dad? Crush? Boyfriend? 

The thought, of her having a boyfriend made me angry and jealous. No one, I repeat, No one, shall touch my baby girl. 

No one. 

Even if it costs me my life, then so be it. 


It has been 2 hours and fifteen minutes, since Me, Connor and James ate lunch. I was a minute away from end of school. More liked end of the day. 

Ring, Ring, Ring. 

Jumping out of my seat, I dumped (more like shoved) all of my books in my bag. slumping it over my shoulder, I went over to James table. Due to the fact that our teacher decided that we all should've singular desks he split us all up. 

Letting us work alone. 

"James!" I yelled, attempting to wake him. Though, unsuccessful.  I did the whole 'poke-poke' thing and what happens? He just continues to drool over the wooden table, his head face-first on the table. 


Disgusting, I can't believe I have to put up with this. Scavenging through his bag, I had managed to find a horn. Why did he have this in his bag? Shrugging it off, I managed to block on of my ears as I pressed the top button, sending both me and James in to a shock. 

The teacher yelling at us for doing such an idiotic thing and for not leaving the school grounds. Making a sense of surprise run through my body, making me shiver. Grabbing James' hand, I pulled him out of class before laughing with him, making us both grin like freaks. 

"Miss, I believe Alpha Perez, has called for you.." A man from another pack, say wha..? Why would The Connor Perez want me? What does he want with me anyways? 

What ever it was, it couldn't be personal, right? right? 


Hey guys! SOO, this is the edited version of Chapter 4! :) I know this may be different to what some other people have read but its ookay. :D 





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