Chapter Twelve - This Wasn't Something I Expected

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The weekend was hell. It didn't last fast enough for me and everything I did I couldn't help but think of him.

   Why would he go as far as to humiliate me in front of everyone like that? I can stand being teased and played with, but I can't stand being humiliated in front of everyone for something I truly have my all to.

  And it had to be about my feelings for Russell. Something I poured every single ounce of effort and even squeezed everything to make sure it was all I had, and it was. Which makes me upset.

   I didn't deserve that humiliation as feeling something for someone was normal. It wasn't anything to be embarrassed about, but yet he made me feel like a terrible person all because I held feelings towards him.

   Maybe we weren't meant to be after all. I mean relationships come an end all the time right? But if that was true then why was my heart still hurting for him.

   On my way to school I got different stares from people as I walked in. They must've seen or heard what happened.

Oh well.

  I don't care whether or not the whole world knows, it still wouldn't change anything.

   I walked in rather early into class and found girls crowding around the windows that let us see outside as well as the hall.

   I wonder who they were looking at in particular. Who ever it was in sure it had nothing to do with me.

   "I heard what happen at the mall." Monica said as Amy soon came behind her. "Amy told me."

   I looked back at Amy with confusion. How did she know about what happened? Did Russell tell her cause I remember him saving their numbers on his phone.

   "I'm sorry Jane." Amy said as she threw herself on me for a hug which I gladly received. "I didn't think Russell was that mean towards you." I couldn't help but give out a small laugh. You know, the kind that's soft but heart breaking.

  "Neither did I." I said and they both look at me and I soon replaced my sadness with a smile to assure them that I'd be okay. "I'm fine. I promise. If anything I think I'm better off without a guy like him."

    Monica and Amy exchanged looks and I pretended not to notice. The bell soon rang and we all sat in our desks facing the board.

  But yet I noticed something to be off. There was something different today and I didn't know what it was. I was determined to find what it was or else it would bother me for the rest of the day.

   Our teacher soon came through the doors and we got started. About fifteen minutes into the class I grabbed my phone and headed to the bathroom.

  I needed to go since my bladder felt like it was about to burst. Which was normal since this morning my aunt made us smoothies in large cups which was way more than I normally drink.

   I brought my phone so I could text my aunt not to forget about her friends birthday present who's birthday they're celebrating today at her office. Once I texted her and hit send I used the bathroom and washed my hands.

   While I was heading back to class my phone buzzed and I got a message from Alice. I was checking it as I was approaching the classroom.

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