Chapter Fifteen - Passionate Flames

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That weekend passes surprisingly quick as everyone either began their vacations or had some sort of plans. I, on the other hand, was no such person as I decided to take the two days as rest.

But then again during the two days I decided to bake a cake for the teachers who, unfortunately for them, had to be present at school the next two days. And because I felt bad for them since it was less time with their family, I decided to bake them my typical Christmas cake.

   Baking was something I loved doing because it would take my mind off everything and was just something fun for me to do in general.

   That Monday morning I left my house around eight-thirty since it was up to me at what time I chose to water and take care of the plants at school since students were in charge of club duties adding to my responsibility.

   Russell promised to come to school at nine to pick me up since he wanted to spend some time together. The time it took to water the plants wasn't longer than ten minutes at maximum.

   Once I arrived to the familiar campus ground  I made my way to the teach lounge where I found some teachers.

   "I hope I'm not interrupting. I just wanted to leave this cake I made as a thank you for everyone." I said as they smiled and guided me to where it was appropriate to leave such a pastry.

   "Thank you Jane. You really didn't have to but we appreciate your kind gesture." They smiled as I walked out and began to head to the garden I needed to water.

   I got all the tools and began to do my job as I found a few weeds and dead leaves around the different colored plants. I plucked them from their root and cleared out the dead leaves by placing the garbage in a small bag since there wasn't much.

   The next step was for me to water them and that I did using the hose that was on the side of our building. It was fun to see some plants absorb the water and others trapped the water particles on their leaf, leaving a stunning sight in the process.

   I finished within about fifteen minutes. But before I decided to meet up with Russell I needed to use the bathroom. Of course I didn't tell him because we were supposed to meet up at the large tree as usual.

   While walking into the bathroom they had disconnected from the building as these bathrooms were easier to access when outside playing sport or doing activities like gardening it was easier to reach.

   When I walked in I saw that I wasn't alone as a girl was standing I front a wall that had a small window. She heard me walk in and I flashed a smile while she did the same.

I entered a stall that looked as if it would fall apart at anytime and did what I needed to.

*     *     *

On the other side of the stall the women Jane had seen earlier was hiding cigarette since they weren't permitted on campus. Yet she knew that if she smoked in the detached bathroom she had less of a chance of getting caught because it wasn't only lacking in maintenance but also surveillance.

Once she heard Jane flush she turned her cigarette off by throwing it on the floor and giving it a light stomp. But little did she realize that the puddle she threw it on was actually spilt oil from a pair of girl engineers who were fixing a car of their guy friend.

Soon the spark that was needed to start a fire gave way as the oil only added fuel to what would soon catch fire.

The small building that was known to be the detached bathrooms began to follow the unexpected plan of being victim to the cigarette's flames.

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