Chapter Nineteen - Bittersweet Aftertaste

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Three days passed and I strangely adapted to school life once again. I would've done so sooner if it had not been for a particular monster that continued to threaten me if I did not make him home cook meals whenever he wanted.

Russell, of course, was teasing me but I knew that when people were hungry they would most likely turn sour very quickly if they did not satisfy their hunger. Therefore for my own safety and that of everyone else near me, I made sure to cook the monster whatever his little heart desired.

"Jane." Russell said as he sat next to me on the comfy couch. "Can you make some stir fry tomorrow night?"

Tomorrow was Friday which meant Russell would be leaving in a day and a half as Sam said their flight should come in Saturday night.

"Perhaps." I said with a slight smirk, using Russell's love for my cooking to my advantage. "If I do then what do I get?"

"Nothing." Russell responded faster than I expected, causing me to look at him with a slight downward curve on my lips. "Fine. I'll do whatever you want. But that's only if you make a stir fry that satisfies my taste or else you can forget about my proposal to you."

I threw myself onto him, hugging him as tight as I could. I couldn't let this opportunity slip by as I knew it was very rare for Russell to simply agree to something I wanted to do.

I guess the monster is losing his scary touch after all.

"Thank you." I said to him as I rested my head against his chest as his body awkwardly shifted under me, still adjusting to the sudden movement that I had tackle him with.

"You're making me regret my decision." Russell spoke out.

"You're just not mentally prepared for what my wish might be." I teased him as he rolled his eyes. "But regardless of what it might be you still have to act as my fairy god mother and make it come true."

"That's it. You lost your chance." Russell huffed out as I stifled a laugh at how uncomfortable he felt from my small comment. He tried to get off the couch but my grip around his waist caused him to stay laying down.

There was no point in fighting me and the comfort I was in as I laid on his chest. This was something new too well as he knew the moment he gets up he also loses the feeling of being comfortable too.

"A promise is a promise. You can't break it."

When I didn't hear a response I detached myself from his chest, sitting back up, putting a small space between us. It was just enough for me to get a good look at his expression.

He was amused.

"A monster like me doesn't make promises."

"But a kitten like me does and you agreed to it." I said as I stared into his amber eyes. "We made a deal. Now you have to abide by it. Or else."

"Or else what?" Russell said mocking my small threat. "You'll annoy me to death? Because it wouldn't be the first time you've done that."

"Good one. But not good enough." I smirked as I knew my next few words would really cause him to take back all of his snide remarks. "If you don't keep your word then I won't ever cook for you again."

The way his amber eyes widen and the subtle twitch of the smirk his lips held, I knew I hit a spot.

"You can't be serious." Russell said but my expression left no room for argument. "Fine. Fine. Fine. I'll follow through with the promise as long as you can cook really, really good stir-fry."

I let my lips curve into a smile that they had been itching to release.

"Goodnight Russell." I said to him with a smile as I began to turn and walk away from him.

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