Alfie 1

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I was so glad Zoe had agreed to letting me go shopping with her and her best friend Louise. Although I still hadn't done any Christmas shopping and  Christmas was two days away I wasn't at all stressed. Zoe was the person to go shopping with. She could spend and spend all day long. 

As I opened to the door to Zoe's apartment block I suddenly felt very nervous about seeing Zoe. I still didn't know what was going on between us, one thing I did know is that I had an awfully big crush on Zoe. I sighed climbing the stairs, Zoe would never like me back. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen with long ombre hair and a smile so cute it hurt me just to look at her. But Zoe had not had good relationships in the past and found it hard to trust anyone. Most of all Zoe would never go for me because I was Alfie. Alfie the best friend, I was friend-zoned. But I wish more than anything I wasn't.

As I banged on Zoe's door I heard Zoe shout to Louise to grab the door, I took a sigh of relief as I was still all red and my breathing was heavy from climbing the 4 sets of stairs to Zoes. As the door open I saw Louise and pulled her in for a hug, Louise was one of those people who was just so easy to get on with.

"Hey Alfie!" she beamed at me "Come in, Zoe's doing lip-gloss"

"Surprise surprise" I said laughing "How are you Louise?" I asked politely she laughed, 

"Better than you look, let me guess the stairs knocked you out a bit"

"Always do." 

Zoe walked into the room and smiled at me I went over to hug her and she hugged me back and whispered in my ear

"I missed you"

Louise coughed from near the door and Zoe quickly pulled away blushing, Zoe rushed for the door mumbling lets go. I might have been dreaming but I swear I saw Louise wink at me before she followed Zoe out of the door.

We were soon on London high street and browsing shops as we turned the corner I saw Zoe's face light up as Primark came into view, we went in and I helped Zoe carry her basket. Louise had rushed off to the children level as soon as we had entered for Darcy. Zoe had filled 3 baskets before deciding to buy anything I laughed as she tried to take the baskets from me.

"Zo honestly i think I'd better help you!" I chuckled, she grinned and headed towards the long queue. We were soon at the till and as the lady unpacked the baskets Zoe laughed as I joked about making an hour long haul video.

The woman at the counter commented, "You aren't the only couple doing last minute Christmas shopping, half of London is out and about getting things done!" I agreed but couldn't help but catch Zoe's reaction. We had been called a couple.

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