Zoe 3

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My day with Alfie had been so nice,perfect almost but here I was again. I sat in my room with the door locked as I cried I couldn't let myself fall for Alfie. He was just the same as all the other boys he would tell me he loves me but change his mind just when I started to believe him. I felt the walls close in around me and I was soon captured in a nightmare. The same nightmare as all the other nights, I was running away from it. The nightmare that had controlled my life since I was 13. No matter how fast I ran it would catch me up with abusive words and wave of depression. No matter how hard I tried to stay happy it would always catch me, I was weak that's why. I am weak and frail. I woke up sweating and shouting, as usual I took deep breaths and got out of bed to get a glass of water. Trying to forget the images that crossed my mind.

As I opened the door to my bed room I felt the cold air of my flat hit me, it was freezing in December and I must have left a window open somewhere, good one Zoe. I was pouring a glass of water when two hands slid around my petite waist I shivered at the heat of the hands. Alfies hands.

"Its okay Zo, its only me. I'm here everything is going to be okay, I promise" And with that he had picked me up and carried my to the bedroom, he tucked me in and lay with me, stroking my hair. I fell into a dream this time though.

A dream where Zoe was never sad, a dream where Alfie loved Zoe and told her, he told the world instead of keeping it secret. A dream where it wouldn't hurt anymore.

I woke the next day and glanced at my clock, 1:19. As I realized the time I noticed Alfie wasn't lay next to me, assuming this was in fact because of the time I stumbled out of bed and into the kitchen to find alfie on his macbook. He looked up and concern filled his face,

"Zo are you okay now?" He stood up and came over to hug me. I let his huge arms swallow me as I told him I was fine and asked about the plans for today.

"I was thinking about seeing Jim so you could meet up with Tan? Then we could meet again for dinner." He smiled. I was glad Alfie knew me so well because right now he knew I needed some girly shopping time with Tan, she was the kind of person to see a good side of everything.

"Yes" I squealed and ran to the shower to get ready. Alfie chuckled from the sofa and pulled out his phone shouting to me announcing we would meet them at 3 at the gleam office.

Alfie could always make everything better.

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