Zoe 5

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As I woke I remembered, today was Christmas day. I was suddenly very excited and was about to jump out of bed until I realized I wasn’t at home with Joe and dad anymore. I was in my flat and Alfie was lay fast asleep with his arms around me. He looked so cute when he was asleep, so calm, and quiet. I heard voices in the room next door and remembered Tanya and Jim had stayed last night.

After we had got in we sat and watched TV and chatted a bit about playlist live and all of the exiting things coming up but when I drifted off on Alfie’s shoulder I knew it was time to go to bed. I had shown Tan and Jim where everything was and said goodnight. I went into my room to find Alfie lay on my bed waiting for me and we had fallen asleep quickly and slept like babies.

I noticed the clock now read 11:27. Not bad considering we were up till 4, though I needed a wee and knew I wouldn’t be able to hold it in any longer. I hugged Alfie and he stirred and opened his eyes. He looked confused for a second then he clocked on and kissed my forehead.

“Good morning little one.” His voice still sleepy.

“Merry Christmas Alfie” and his eyes lit up. He like me must have forgotten that it was Christmas.

“I’ll go and speak to tan and Jim to find out how long they are staying if you want? I’ll get you some pop tarts on the way” I smiled, he really knew me so well.

As I climbed out of bed I tied my hair into a bun on top of my head and washed my face. I then went to Tanya and Jim’s room.

“Merry Christmas!” I exclaimed as I entered the room.

“Merry Christmas Zo! I’ve got your present with me do you want to swap now or later?”

Alfie appeared at the door with a plate of pop tarts and handed them to me before coming and standing with his arms around my waist. I saw Tanya look at me and I was grinning ear to ear. Whenever I was with Alfie I felt so safe like nothing was ever going to go wrong. I never had to worry about what he thought or whether he might judge me on my choices because there had never been any pretending around Alfie. Ever since the day I met him I had been myself and he seemed to find me funny or cute. I just found myself weird, I loved the fact we got on so well but I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this. I hate not knowing exactly what’s going on and I and Alfie are completely unclear.

“Well we could do them now I guess?” I was so excited to give everybody there gifts! I had spent extra-long shopping for everyone this year. For Alfie I had bought him clothes purely because he could never be bothered himself. I had bought a simple white t-shirt with a capital a and a lowercase a next to it, I had also bought a navy and white jumper. I hoped he would like them. For Tanya I had picked up a cute mug from Topshop and a mac eye shadow because I knew how much she loved them. And finally for Jim I had bought a batman figure, while working with dailymix I had got to know Jim very well and I knew that he loved batman although I also knew he would not buy himself a figure and Tanya wouldn’t even know where to start however growing up with a younger brother I knew exactly what he was talking about and I wanted to surprise him.

We all exchanged presents and I saved Alfie’s till last. Tanya had bought me a tartan scarf and I was in love with it, I knew I would be wearing it till the very last day of winter. Jim had bought me a lush voucher witch I found hilarious because I never thought he actually listened when I moaned about wanting more bath bombs. Finally I opened Alfie’s present at the same time he opened mine. There was something wrapped and a little box. I went for the wrapped thing first. Alfie went for the present witch I knew to be the t-shirt I bought him. As I peeled back the wrapping paper I knew exactly what we had done. We had bought the same top for each other. I looked up at Alfie to see a grin forming on his face and as we caught each other’s eyes we began to laugh uncontrollably and as we showed Tanya and Jim they also found it funny.

Eventually we got up and moved into the living room, I switched on the TV and was delighted to see ‘elf’ was on, it is my all-time favorite Christmas movie and I was overly excited. Jim and Tanya left when they were ready as they had to travel home and see Tanya’s family later on in the day.

Around 2 Alfie got a text from Louis

(Louis): Hey man was around London and wondered if me, J+F could call in and see you and zoe?:)

About two minutes later I received a text from Finn

(finn): Hey;) What you up to? Miss you!xxx

I was a bit startled as me and Finn had never been that close, yes we spoke but I didn’t exactly miss him. I spoke to Alfie and asked him if Finn had text him, he told me no but he wasn’t all that close to Finn as he didn’t have his own channel. It was arranged all the boys were coming round at 3 so I tidied myself up a bit. We grabbed some food and skyped Joe as this was my first Christmas away from home and I missed Joe. It was great to speak to him and hear how his youtube channel was coming along.

Around half 3 there was a knock at the door and in came Louis and the boys. We sat and chatted for a bit about youtube and upcoming events. I announced I needed a drink and Finn said he could come with me, I didn’t think anything of it until we were stood in the kitchen and Finn pulled me into a hug. What was he doing, I hugged him back and it was a bit awkward.

Suddenly Alfie walked in, he suddenly went very red and looked angry almost as if he was about to cry. I pushed Finn away and chased after Alfie but he was already out the front door.

So I've been trying really hard to update more often and write longer chapters, let me know what you think and don't forget to vote:) 

Saz x

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