Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
James Potter curses, looking up at the window in frustration. Why, he thinks to himself, couldn't he have just waited an extra two days? He supposes he could throw a rock at the window, however old fashioned and cliché it might be. If only the legal age for magic was 16 rather than 17...
He picks up a rock and pegs it at the window. Holding his breath and praying to every imaginable god that the muggles don't wake up, he waits for the sound of a window opening. Then comes that scratching and a familiar red-headed face pokes out the window. James's face lights up.
"Lily!" He whisper-shouts. "I missed you!"
"What are you doing here James? You could have woken up my parents! Or even worse, my sister!" She hisses her words, but James can tell she's trying to conceal a grin from spreading. They make eye contact for a second, before they both dissolve into fits of silent laughter.
"Alright you nutter, you got yourself here so you can find a way in," she says, then disappears back into her room. Cursing at himself again, James begins to pull himself up the brickwork.

"That was not fair. My hands are sore now." James hauls himself through the window and flops back onto Lily's bed. Lily crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.
"Seriously? Not fair? Who's the idiot that dragged himself across 3 towns in the middle of the night and woke his girlfriend from, might I add, a rather enjoyable dream?"

"Dream? Enjoyable?" James raises his head and looks at her warily. "Was I in it?" Lily laughs as loud as she dares.
"Come here you numpty," she says, and James lifts himself from the bed and walks towards Lily's outstretched arms. "I missed you too," she mumbles into his chest. James pulls away, grinning.
"I may be an idiot, but you love me," he states. Lily rolls her eyes and pulls him down onto the bed. For a moment James thinks she's going to lean in and kiss him, when he gets hit in the face with a pillow. Hard.
"Oh, it is on," declares James, grabbing his own pillow whacking her right back.
"Did you guys have sex?" Sirius asks when James sneaks back in the next morning, his expression not dissimilar to that that of an excited puppy.
"No," says James, annoyed. "We had talked. And had a pillow fight."
"I'm pretty sure that's code for sex."
"I'm pretty sure it's not."
"Whatever," says Sirius airily, and is caught completely off guard when James tackled him to the ground.
"Fight me, asshole," growls James,  with a grin, and they wrestle around on the floor like muggles. James pins Sirius down on the floor, holding his wand against his throat as if it were a knife.
"Surrender, traitor," he demands. "Surrender!"
"Never!" Yells Sirius, throwing James off. Then Mrs Potter's voice comes through the door, saying something about them being childish and making too much noise.
They both fall onto their backs barely, able to breathe for laughter.
Hey frends! Hope you enjoyed this chapter of fluff! Btw, the first couple of chapters are all fluff, but I promise I will get on with the plot and actual exciting stuff will happen. Also, updates will be every Wednesday, hopefully, depending on whether or not I can actually get my shit together and start writing.
Anyway, don't forget to vote, comment and share if you enjoyed!

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