Chapter 6

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It is around the 5th time they have the same conversation that Sirius seriously starts contemplating ramming James's head into a wall.
"So guys, we really need escape plan," James says, trying desperately to enthuse the rest of the group. "We could break the door down?"
"It's got about 50 locks," counters Sirius. Again.
"Great, then we'll pick the locks," decides James, not letting the impossibility of the situation affect him.
"It's probably magically reinforced," says Sirius. Again.
"We can break the charms."
"We don't have wands."
"We can find a wand."
"Who the hell has a wand lying around that we could access?"
"We could take them by force."
"James, they will have wands. And more people. And more experience. Besides, have you ever punched anybody in your life?"
James huffs and slides down the wall in defeat. "Fine. Just because you want to stay in this miserable dungeon. I guess we'll just stay down here and rot forever."
Sirius rolls his eyes. "We don't want to stay down here, mate, it's just that there's actually no way of getting out of it. We are totally boned here. Sooner you realise, the better." He turns to Remus, who is sitting in the corner with his head down, looking sickly and pale. "Besides," says Sirius, "we've only got a couple of hours until the moon. Even if we did escape, Moony would hulk out right in the living room. Not exactly the most subtle escape."
Admitting defeat, James finally shuts up. He walks over to where Lily and Marlene are propped against the wall, talking in hushed and worried voices. He sits down crossed legged in front of them and takes Lily's hand.
"What are we going to do?" He asks, hoping Lily will have more answers than Sirius. Lily glances at Marlene uneasily.
"James, I need to ask you something, and you must promise to not yell or shout or anything. Just please hear me out. Ok?" Worry fills James's eyes. He nods, feeling slightly sick.
Lily takes a deep breath.
"I'm a muggle born," she says, voice shaking. "I'm the one that the Death Eaters are going to be most interested in. You and Sirius are purebloods, even Marlene and Remus are half. But me, I'm just a mud blood to them." James inhales sharply.
"Don't call yourself that Li-"
"But it's true!" She interrupts. "I'm nothing to them. Which brings me to what I was trying to say. They might hurt me. The might torture me. I need you to promise me that whatever they do to me, you won't try and stop them. Not if its putting your life in danger." James turned the colour of a ghost.
"No, Lily." His voice was barely above a whisper.
"James, they will-"
"You don't think I'm aware of what they'll do to you? To me? You think I'm going to let you be tortured?" His voice was rising quickly, unable to control his anger
"James, understand that you-"
"No, you don't! What kind of boyfriend, what kind of person, do you think I am if I would just let you get tortured?"
"James," Lily said softly. He kept on yelling.
"James," she said again, this time with more force. He kept at it. Finally she shouted,
"James! You listen to me right now! The will kill you, ok? They will kill you! You cannot just go charging in to save my life is it means you're going to die! I won't let you kill yourself for me!" The rest of the group were silent, staring at the arguing couple.
They had both stood up with out realising, and are now standing face to face. James sags.
"And I'm not going to let you get yourself killed because I'm too selfish to do anything," he says quietly. Lily sighs, the anger that was building up now flooding out.
"I know James. I just don't want you to get hurt." James steps forward and puts his arms round her, hugging her tightly. She wraps hers back round him, breathing deeply into his chest.
"I love you, you know that right?" James squeezes her gently. "I know Lily. I love you too."
Suddenly they are interrupted by a harrowing shriek. They turn to see Remus curled up in the corner, bones cracking and skin tearing. The moon is here.
Poor Remus. And Lily. And James.
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